The topic of religion is a sensitive topic especially for those who fear it! Those who fear religion as a topic are those who either don’t understand it well and perhaps are afraid to be thought of as being ‘childishly wrong about things’ or those who think that religion is nonsensical, stupid and basically a fairytale.
Others may even take religion as a part of their character and reprising one’s character can seem very painful to the individual whose fear of one’s inner self might expose some hidden and well-kept character flaw.
When it comes to Quranic verses like (2:62 and (42:13) one, who does not think carefully, can generate really no sound answer that will coordinate those verses into reality – unless one can think deeply about it. Test the above premise out and one will see that it is correct.
Those who believe (in the Quran) and {also} those who follow {in earnest and NOT for show but in TRUTH} the Jewish (scriptures) and the Christians {who had to have some scripture to read} and the Sabians {and} any who believe in ALLAH and the Last Day and work righteousness shall have their reward with their LORD {and} on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Quran (2:62)
The same religion has HE established for you as that which HE enjoined on Noah – the which WE have sent by inspiration to you {O Muhammad} – and that which WE enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that you should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than ALLAH, hard is the (way) to which you call them. ALLAH chooses to HIMSELF those whom HE pleases, and guides to HIMSELF those who turn (to HIM). Quran (42:13)
First, one must understand those verses in context with a BOOK (QURAN) that is claimed to be 100% PURE (ACCURATE) and for all times to come with the big addition that it can be upheld to be accurate from START TO FINISH! This means that ‘when the dust settles’ the other scriptures (Old and New Testaments as defined by their individual followers) must contain way more truth than fiction!
And I mean WAY MORE such that the only drawback that can be levied against these scriptures is basically only one fundamental thing. That thing is that ‘the vast amount of material contained within is CORRECT but it is the WAY THIS MATERIAL IS INTERPRETED THAT WILL DETERMINE THE CORRECTNESS OR FALSEHOOD OF SUCH SO CALLED TRUTHS.
An example of this is easy and only one example needs to be given:
Jesus (pbh) declared {to a gathering of Jews} that “Your father Abraham {who existed many, many centuries ago before I was born} rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad.”
Then the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?”
Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was {on this earth}, I am {I was alive}.” John (8:56-58)
Fact or Fiction!!!
Some will say this or that and then when grappling with the reason for their answer will proclaim this shows that he (Jesus) is a god or some will state that no, this means that he is only a man, as has been stated in these writings, due to the fact that there is a deep meaning conveyed in these truthful words.
When put under the correct analysis from all the scriptures (deciding upon the issue of Jesus (pbh) being only a normal, regular man as I proclaim him to be or as some type of god in a trinity based system as others claim him to be can be made much easier. The fact still remains that these words from the Gospel of John are 100% correct!
The important issue for me comes from these two Quranic verses (2:62 and 42:13) which dictates that these Testaments are basically very truthful but they need to be brought in line with the consistency shown in ALL THE RECORDS!
If that is not true then it shows that GOD has lost HIS way and has no control, historical or otherwise, over the situation. Why?
Well, HE can’t pretend to state a coordinated record of things which will not feasibly apply to the people in any age. So, we have to take the past with the present and make sense out of it all.
How can these things apply to the people in the past if they cannot even read them due to a lack of the invention of the printing press and the lack of literacy in ages gone by?
Furthermore, the proclaimed universality of the Quran, even without mentioning its miraculous composition and claimed perfection as a BOOK for all time, past, present and future, until lifted up would be in deep question!
Moreover, it (the Quran) could be accused of telling ‘fairytales’ by overachieving its objectives when it proclaims these ‘other Books’ had the TRUTH but due to man’s constant warfare against the TRUTH, GOD was somehow unable to keep the so-called ‘ship a float’!!!!!
However, things get uncomplicated, even when dealing with man’s ability to alter existing ideas, by acknowledging that man’s pollution basically provided an existence where one can be tried by a trial of fire as it were. A type of karma is mentioned here even if that term has many false meanings attached to it!
The same application is applied on this planet by the way. Not too many people, for example, have gone from first grade directly into a PhD degree program. Rather all children must learn the bumps and bruises that exist, which are important especially for their own particular development. This is where Isaiah (pbh) and a Quranic verse can be applied:
You shall surely travel from stage to stage. Quran (84-19)
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.” Isaiah (28:10)
So, Jerimiah (8:8), Matthew (15:8-9) and Quranic verse (9:31) along with the explanation found in hadith literature about ‘Adi bin Hatim concerning this Quranic verse point to a priest/minister/Imam class of people who have crooked intentions. See these verses below.
This does not include the regular appointed authorities that serve the community; just only the lawgivers that have stated and pass on false doctrine and those who willingly promote that garbage!
They take their priests and their anchorites {and other religious leaders} to be their lords in derogation of ALLAH, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One GOD: there is no god but HE. Praise and glory to HIM: (Far is HE) from having the partners they associate (with HIM). Quran (9:31)
“How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us’? Look, the false pen of the scribe certainly works falsehood. Jerimiah (8:8)
HE {GOD} thwarts the schemes of the crafty, so that their hands find no success. Job (5:12)
‘These people draw near to me {Jesus} with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
And in Vain they {do} worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ” {such as religious edicts and religious councils} Matthew (15:8-9)
Those that follow the ‘false doctrine’ seem to be quite content and happy with preening themselves in that doctrine as it separates the bad (others) from the good (themselves) thus making an artificial distinction between ‘those lucky ones who are deemed great by their god versus those who are unfortunate dimwits!
And these people become blinded by their own hands {their own soul deprivations} and so earn the unfortunate distinction of hanging themselves from their own petard! This of course is found in the parable from Jesus (pbh) concerning one who builds a house on a rock {a wise foundation} versus one who builds it on sand {weak, egotistical notions} and in the Quranic passage dealing with what their own hands have passed on before them….
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock {strong faith}:
The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house {as the conditions of life do as a test for mankind}; yet it did not fall, because its foundation {Faith in the truth} was on the rock.
But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.” Matthew (7:24-27)
And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, Revelations) of his LORD, but turns away from them forgetting what (deeds) his {own} hands have sent forth. Truly, WE have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this (the Qur’an), and in their ears, deafness. And if you (O Muhammad) call them to guidance, even then they will never be guided. Quran (18:57)
Man is often shortsighted which results in his feeling of ‘getting away’ with something. But he can’t!
Because man is eternal, for in death he still has his spirit that lives on, he must face the consequences of his actions and in some form, shape or manner, he will continue his education for his upliftment or the degradation in what is Islamically called the ‘Torment of the Grave’.
In other words, man has no escape from what has been stated by Paul:
Be not deceived; GOD is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. Galatians (6:7). So, there is no escape from Divine Justice neither in the grave nor in the element of time.
They plan and ALLAH PLANS. Surely ALLAH is the BEST of PLANNERS. Quran (8:30)
As some Muslims say: ‘ALLAH is the Turner of the hearts; O ALLAH! Turn our hearts to YOUR Religion (Straight Path). (Tirmidhi)
And since time is in HIS Hands not ours, eternity may carry forth another meaning. Be sure that GOD is LOVE (AL-WADUD) as well as ONE WHO is STRICT in Punishment (meaning you will get what you have sown). So man can never escape his duties or responsibilities but must always face himself and learn from these situations if he so chooses.
Time is that mysterious element in GOD’s Hands and not man’s. So, however long the journey is given by the ONE WHO GIVES; it is HIS GIFT to mankind because HE is the AL-SABOUR, THE MOST PATIENT! And HE is THE ALL CLEMENT, THE MOST FOREBEARING – AL-HALEEM.
Yet, the ones who refuse to ‘bow down’ (recognize and submit) to HIS WILL are ‘cut loose’ and permitted to carry on in their own destruction by having the LIGHT cutoff from their hearts with the result that they are hung from their own petard. And this sentiment comes directly from Paul 2Thessalonians (2:10-12) and Quran (40:75) which say basically the same thing.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness {found} in them that perish {to the HELL-FIRE due to what is in the secret recesses of the heart or that seat of blessedness of the soul}; because they did NOT receive {believe in or fight for} the love of the truth that they might be saved.
And for this cause {contempt for GOD’s TRUTH so that they will be rejected by GOD} GOD shall send {upon} them STRONG DELUSION that they should believe {in} a lie {focus not on doing what is right – the real food for the soul}:
That they all might be damned {to the Hell-Fire} who didn’t believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness {took their comfort in doing other than the truthful WAY with the highest example of believing in joining partners with GOD}. 2Thessalonians (2: 10-12) – words accredited to Paul.
“You have met this {particular} fate because you rejoiced on the earth in things OTHER THAN THE TRUTH, and then EXULTED {REVELED} in it.” Q (40:75)
An explanation of the term, ‘he rose from the dead’:
There are basically two correct interpretations for this expression. One interpretation can be called a Greek philosophical approach and the other interpretation can be the actual event which still boggles the mind.
The Greek philosophical interpretation would apply to a being like Jesus (pbh) who was made perfect in that; This is my beloved servant by which this day I have (not begotten) but anointed you in that you have fulfilled that for which you have come. Meaning that he has overcome all things and has truly become ALIVE in his LORD and so can depart from this world as the successful human who needs no spacesuit for his Ascension to the heavens.
His Ascension took place amongst those faithful who, no matter their quality, need to face Judgment Day and then become like as he stated: ‘from where I am you will also be’ (And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also – John 14:3)! Meaning in part as to that condition he showed in ‘rising from the Earth’!
The second meaning is presented near the end my third book in the chapter called ‘The Final Solution’ and this discusses the retooling as it were the lifeless body of Simon the Cyrenian (the man who was the one actually crucified in place of Jesus), who inside and outside perfectly resembled Jesus (pbh) the man and prophet of Nazareth.
This retooling occurs when one takes an inanimate object (a dead body) and making it ALIVE but with self becoming that body which is totally a mirror reflection of the original self. And so a dead person, in one sense, did arise but that was due to the action or miracle of being brought forth or consumed by the Master (pbh). Hence, he rose from the dead literally!!!
In both cases, however, Jesus (pbh) was NEVER put on the wooden cross and therefore he WAS NOT CRUCIFIED AND IN FACT, he DID NOT DIE!!! And for sure the Quran is completely and accurately correct!
The similitude for this is in getting to the number 4. So, one can arrive at this number by various means: 5-1=4; 3+1=4; 2+2=4; 4+0=4 and so on and so forth!
No matter what the detractors claim or say; the Holy Records are ONE!!!
An explanation of the ‘multiplication principle’ in Islam:
This is a fantastic principle and make no mistake about it! In the words of Jesus:
Another parable he {Jesus} put forth to them, saying: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a {tiny}mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field,
Which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” Matthew (13:31-32)
The multiplication principle can be likened to a good action (acceptable deed in the eyes of ALLAH) which gets rewarded multiple times. For example, when one states (3X) the saying (dhikr) from one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (pbh) as was told in a hadith by her like so: ‘ALLAH is free from imperfection and I begin with HIS PRAISE as many times as the number of HIS creations, in accordance with HIS GOOD PLEASURE, equal to the weight of HIS THRONE and equal to the ink used in the recording the WORDS FOR HIS PRAISE’.
Upon saying this dhikr, one gets, for example, a Fountain of GRACE. However, the greatness of this miracle reflecting ALLAH’s GREATNESS and MERCY is that the originator and spreader of this saying also shares in the Fountain of ALLAH’s GRACE while another is saying it.
So, you get a fountain of abundance and without dilution or lessening of quality the originator gets the same Fountain of GRACE. This now means that one of the Prophet’s wives gets an ocean of GRACE with all the things going back to her which shows her great elevation in being one of the chosen ones for the highest of places in Paradise.
And then that ‘ABUNDANCE’ will go back even further to the one who declared it first and that is Prophet Muhammad (pbh)! So excellence, upon excellence equals EXCELLENCE!!!
To you {Muhammad} WE have granted the Fount (of Abundance)
Therefore to your LORD turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.
For he who hates you, he will be cut off (from Future Hope). Quran (108:1-3)
So, one who recites the above saying gets a fountain of wealth. The originator or the one who passed it on gets that also from every single person equaling a great multiplication as in a veritable ocean of wealth. And then that is further multiplied by still going back to the one who first declared it!!!!!
So, one can take this and apply it to Isaiah chapter 53 verse 9 and understand that he – Jesus (in the future sense) will be buried with the RICH (in Medina with those 3 blessed Companions – Muhammad, Abu Bakr and ‘Umar)!
And they made his grave with the wicked {living amongst the lowly ones} – but with the Rich at his death {after his return}, because he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. Isaiah (53:9) AMEEN!