Generally speaking, truth is but common sense and all one needs is the temperament and general knowledge (backed up by proofs, of course) to find the ‘correct pathway’ with GOD’s Permission!
Due to the Law of Singularity as spoken about earlier in these writings, with all things being somehow related and tied together, it would seem theoretically possible to ‘squeeze’ certain events into a rational, logical and believable framework or outline showing something of the cause and effect of certain events which mankind fell into – provided that a comprehensive proof is utilized.
Being that that is so and trusting in ‘approved’ Islamic literature or any other reasonable monotheistic scripture acting as our guide, one can take a look at passed actions and just about figure out where they came from and what they will lead to in knowing man’s temperament . With everything being connected somehow, all one needs is to zero in as it were to the dynamics of ‘every action is based on some premise, which may be good or bad, saintly or devilish, planned or unplanned and look at the direction things are headed’. This will give us the ‘headwinds’ of outcomes, desired or not desired, and the springboard to other related things.
We have to start somewhere so let us define Christianity as it applies to modernistic beliefs by going to a hadith and work our way backwards. The key hadith follows:
Abu Huraira narrated that ALLAH’s Messenger (pbh) said, “The Hour {the countdown to the Day of Judgment} will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Moneywill {then} be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts). (Bukhari)
This hadith has several interesting parts including the money part as we can gather from the Book of Revelation but the part that we will now be interested in is the ‘breaking of the cross’ idea. The cross idea has allowed many Christians to invoke others beside the ONE GOD (saints, various men, the black arts and other deformed policies which match the taking of others besides the TRUE GOD as LORD!) But other fascinating tidbits can be learned as well.
One of the major things that we can learn is that over time erosion sets in and FAITH becomes faith which becomes aith and then ith, etc. In other words, the candle seems to burn lower as time marches on. The first generation of anything seems to be built of steel while the following generations seem to lose some steam as time goes forward.
And those Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter).
These will be those Nearest to Allah:
In Gardens of Bliss:
A number of people from those of old,
And a few from those of later times.
(They will be) on Thrones encrusted (with gold and precious stones),
Reclining on them, facing each other.
Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness),
With goblets, (shining) beakers, and cups (filled) out of clear-flowing fountains:
No after-ache will they receive therefrom, nor will they suffer intoxication:
And with fruits, any that they may select:
And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire.
And (there will be) Companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes,-
Like unto Pearls well-guarded.
A Reward for the deeds of their past (life).
They shall not hear therein vain or sinful discourse,
Only the saying, “Peace! Peace”.
The Companions of the Right Hand, what will be the Companions of the Right Hand?
(They will be) among Lote-trees without thorns,
And [banana] trees layered [with fruit]
In shade long-extended,
By water flowing constantly,
And fruit in abundance.
Whose season is not limited, nor (supply) forbidden,
And on Thrones (of Dignity), raised high.
We have created (their Companions) of special creation.
And made them virgin – pure (and undefiled), –
Beloved (by nature), equal in age,-{described in hadith literature as being around 33 years of age like our symbolic conquer of sin by ALLAH’s PERMISSION ONLY}
{NOW} For the Companions of the Right Hand.
A (goodly) number from those of old,
And a (goodly) number from those of later times.
The Companions of the Left Hand, – what will be the Companions of the Left Hand?
(They will be) in the midst of a Fierce Blast of Fire and in Boiling Water,
And in the shades of Black Smoke:
Nothing (will there be) to refresh, nor to please:
For that they were wont to be indulged, before that, in wealth (and luxury),
And persisted obstinately in wickedness supreme!
And they used to say, “What! When we die and become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised up again?
“(We) and our fathers of old?”
Say: “Yes, those of old and those of later times,
“All will certainly be gathered together for the Meeting appointed for a Day well-known.
Quran (56:10-50)
In studying history through any reputable encyclopedia we find the idea of the religion taught by Jesus (pbh) being diluted as time went by. Jewish traditions are fading and a ‘new kid’ on the block is arising around the earliest parts of the Second Century (the beginnings of the real modern Christian era). The dearth of clear, spot-on materials, even to calling the ‘Gospel writings’ ‘Memoirs of the Apostles’ without giving them specific distinctions at first is a telltale sign of the knowledge or lack thereof of non-succinct Christianity – at that time.
In studying the two major groups fighting for control of the Christian Consciousness, we find that whatever happened to Jesus (pbh) at the end of his mission on Earth is hotly contested and will be hotly contested for decades. That is that possessing the same materials both groups declare a different end to the mission of Jesus (pbh). The Gnostics or those who are in the minority of ‘new believers’ say that he wasn’t crucified but the majority of the other group say that he was even though they have the same materials to study.
It was only after approximately 113 years that the problem dividing this Christian conundrum Christians became formally settled on the issue and that was through the efforts of Justin Martyr the real founder of modern day Christianity. The year is 147/148 and the big debate is over for the majority of those NOW calling themselves Christians!
In order to keep this rhubarb from occurring again and again and again and mucking up what is believed to be the ‘True Faith’ the known records are slightly altered to stop anyone from arguing any differently, thereby reducing the much hated friction. So, as the Quran declares, certain ‘adjustments’ were made to eradicate philosophical catch points like the crucifixion question and to put a definite, positive spin on it.
Outright forgeries need not be considered. Only changing a few vowels or sentence structure type manipulations will be needed to suffice the ‘winning group’. So, that is how Jesus became crucified over time. While the oldest Gospel, which is Mark, declares that this Rabbi Jesus will be sentenced to be crucified (that is true) other later Gospels have him actually being crucified.
That is easy to imagine due to the fact that someone was actually put on the Cross and that someone actually died a physical death! After all, the Jews and Roman records declared it according to Justin Martyr. Some of Justin Martyr’s writings are still extent today and we know what he thought of the Jews and we know his crude attempt at trying to bring in the pagans into the ‘church’!
These aberrations were to lead to the why and what result such an event (the crucifixion) would mean to the Church as to its growth, acceptance and eventual power. Christianity in the beginning was really a nothing burger when compared to the other members of Roman society and needed a boost which they eventually got as more and more pagans entered the fold.
Christianity, now a religion by itself with less and less attachment to Judaism, was a welcomed jewel in the hands of a monster-type individual called Constantine and he didn’t give a damn about which version of Christianity was to be practiced as long as the various competitors came to a final, empire building decision.
The church is now in a dominate position and with the Roman penchant for controlling things it would be only a matter of time before certain values are spread throughout the world. The big concept spread by these people was that there was a triune-god complex and that people are ungrateful if they remained unbowed to this concept: namely Jews, Saracens (Muslims) and even pagans. AND IF THEY ARE INTRANSIGENT, THEY WILL REMAIN TO PAY THE PRICE!
The new philosophy was to spread around the world but it did contain or retain a lot of good things such that the poor would not be left out in the cold so much. And there were people who were to come along like philosopher types who were to bring out the best in Christian principles.
When Mustawrid al-Qurashee was sitting with ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas, he said: “I heard the Prophet (pbh) say, ‘The Hour will come when the Romans will be in the majority.’ ‘Amr asked him, “What are you saying?” He said, “I am repeating that which I heard from the Prophet (pbh).” ‘Amr said, “If you say this, it is true, because they have four good characteristics:
- They are the most able to cope with tribulation,
- The quickest to recover after disaster,
- They are able to return to the fight after disaster, and
- They are the best as far as treating the poor, weak and orphans is concerned. They {also} have a fifth characteristic which is very good;
- They do not allow themselves to be oppressed by their kings.” (Muslim)
But the Prime Source of REAL SPIRITUAL SUCCESS was in the fact of obedience to the principle (Commandment Number ONE) that there is but ONE GOD without any sense of partnerhood and that loyalty to HIM was in thought, action and deed!
What the cross actually did was to separate, dominate and put people out of the way of REALITY, the WAY the prophets of old taught. The cross got people to think that GOD needed to repent (what a silly notion) and sacrifice himself in the image of a son-god to atone for mankind for any good reason yet to be explained! ALSO, we could find it easy to sin and come back to the cross for easy forgiveness. If that is true, sinning isn’t so bad after all! Presto – like magic, a man can revert from sin if he pays a small price to the church. Easy in and easy out!
Another black mark for the cross was to push forward the idea of 3 in 1 as god even though the Scriptures were very much against it. This would lead to a whole lot of corruption and a lot of the intact teachings of Jesus (pbh) to become pilfered and abused such that other monstrosities could raise their hideous, societal heads.
So, by ripping out this monster by the roots, one takes away one of the causes for hardened hearts and the temptation to ‘lord things over others’ as a false symbol of real success – illegal interest taking. Therefore, anything that ties into the ‘mother of harlots’ will come tumbling down on the return of Jesus (pbh) in the realization of ‘breaking of that cross’!
And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, and THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation (17:5)
And he cried out in a mighty voice: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a lair for demons and a haunt for every unclean spirit, every unclean bird, and every detestable beast.
All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown wealthy from the extravagance of her luxury.” Revelation (18:2-3)
So we can go back in time and see how certain puzzles can fit together and the logical repercussions they will have. This is especially so when one looks at certain events and matches them with historical events. For example, the forger Marcion and his altering of events while still setting Christianity on its way towards realizing its self-created destiny. We don’t know how much of Paul’s writings he abused but in the hands of a known forger, he is a logical and chief suspect.
We see that imp coming in (from the East) as a real nobody but eventually rising up for the purpose of taking control of Christianity only to be foiled by those he tried to lecture. This is GOD’s way of keeping things in check without throwing out the whole body called Christianity.
We also note problems coming from the East as some devils tried to take charge of the religion by claiming to be the Spirit of truth and what that would eventually mean to the then Christian Faith. Problems from the East? That is nothing new as that is a dynamic expressed by Prophet Muhammad (pbh) as a Universal Law and not just for Islamic peoples:
It was narrated from Abu ‘Abdullah As-Sunabihi that the Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) said: “The sun rises between the two horns of Satan” or he said “The two horns of Satan rise with it, and when it has risen, Satan parts from it. When it is in the middle of the sky he accompanies it, then when it has crossed the zenith he parts from it. When it is about to set, he accompanies it, and when it has set he parts from it. So do no pray at these three times.” (Ibn Majah)
Ibn Umar reported that ALLAH’s Messenger (pbh) came out from the house of ‘Aisha and said:
It would be from this side that there would appear the height of unbelief, viz. where appear the horns of Satan, i.e. the east. (Muslim)
Since Jews wrote Jewish literature and Muslims wrote Islamic literature we would expect Christians to write Christian literature. The Christian Testament-type writings were not done by any Christian! All were done by a Reformed-type Jew (follower of the reformist Jesus (pbh) or by acceptable converts to this new type of Judaism.
The old-type of Judaism wasn’t kicked to the curb but it was partially replaced by the message Jesus and his Disciples brought and that is confirmed in the Quran!
The same religion has HE {ALLAH} established for you as that which HE enjoined on Noah-the which WE have sent by inspiration to you-and that which WE enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that you should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than ALLAH, hard is the (way) to which you call them. ALLAH chooses to HIMSELF those whom HE pleases, and guides to HIMSELF those who turn (to HIM). Quran (42:13)
And in their footsteps WE sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: WE sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear ALLAH. Quran (5:46)
(I {Jesus} have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (Before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your LORD. So fear ALLAH, and obey me. Quran (3:50)
All of these historical facts can be gleaned from responsible encyclopedias. And by the use of logic and inspection of human-type psychology, one can see how the ‘house of religion’ is built. Is it built on a solid foundation or is it built on a slippery slope?
The nonsense concerning the crucifixion AND THE PHILOSOPHY THAT COULD BE DEVELOPED FROM THIS MYTH HAS BEEN A MAJOR FACTOR IN INFLUENCING WORLD EVENTS. And because of the hadith that man would not be satisfied with only one mountain of gold, we get the ‘my car is bigger than your car syndrome’ as a mighty life-goal to be achieved before our bodies change to dust.
Is that the yardstick of measuring success? If so then that is false and ruinous to the soul!!! Therefore, we see the last part of the hadith mentioned above as a result of REAL FAITH and not a mirage of one such that:
‘Money will {then} be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts)’.
Therefore, an important pivotal point which affects the heart (soul) will be removed in the paradise on Earth under the Messiah.
Historically speaking, the Church has his been against what they call a ‘private interpretation’ of the Bible. Surely, a willy-nilly interpretation would be insane but the Church’s stand on this issue, historically speaking, has been that THEY are in control as to how the narrative will go and that they can’t or should not be challenged, questioned or held up to doubt by any person, organization or faith that challenges their own take on things.
And those that upset the proverbial applecart or their control of the so-called truth as they have declared it would be heretical.
Those in the past who have dared to challenge their cherished concepts like Galileo and Copernicus had to be really clever about going against the grain while retaining their health. Nowadays, people can approach this issue with virtual impunity and why not! It is their own right to find a course of sanity in a world that seems to be fraught with dictatorial insanity.
And So It Goes!