MY people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you {O Children of Israel} have rejected knowledge {and went your own way}, I also will reject you from being priest {in a religious leadership capacity as in ‘the chosen people of GOD’} for ME; because you have forgotten the LAW of your GOD, {so} I also will forget your {Jewish} children {heritage as the ‘chosen people above all nations’}. Hosea (4:6)
Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the LORD GOD Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with YOU, torn down YOUR altars, and killed every one of YOUR prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.” 1Kings (19:10)
And you (Jews) say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ Matthew (23:30)
The Jewish nation forfeited its claim to being the ‘Standard Bearer’ amongst the people of the world as to being ‘the favored nation of GOD’! The next REAL NEW TESTAMENT which will be a Paradigm Change (Change of Language, Nation and Peoples) as foretold in the Bible in numerous places and as mentioned in these writings will be the MUSLIMS with the ‘Correcting BOOK’ that shows THE WAY OF GOD and does so without error, bias or hidden intrigue:
And WE have revealed to you, (O Muhammad), the Book in Truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and {TO BE USED} as a Criterion {in a Leadership Role in being an Authority} over it {THOSE PREVIOUS SCRIPTURES}. So judge between them {ONLY} by what ALLAH has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you {FROM ALLAH} of the truth. To each of you WE prescribed a law and a method {in the past}. Had ALLAH willed, HE would have made you one nation (united in religion), but (HE intended) to test you in what HE has given you; so race to (all that is) good. To ALLAH is your return all together and HE will (then) inform you concerning that over which you used to differ. Quran (5:48)
In the three Monotheistic religions there are not three separate gods! It should be apparent right now that GOD is ONE and the SAME for all of these three Monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is only the people who make differences based on pride, prejudice and ignorance who cause others to become dysfunctional. Who wants to be like that except someone who is prideful and braindead at one and the same time rendering the soul into corruption!
For them {the true Believers} are glad tidings, in the life of the present and in the Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of ALLAH. This is indeed the supreme felicity. Quran (10:64)
People are not given the luxury of having to choose who, what, where, when and why as to which prophet they will accept and which they will reject. One cannot say, for example, “I will accept this prophet but declare that one null and void.” The ONE GOD didn’t give man those choices about which ‘GIFT’ he will pretend to follow and which ‘GIFT’ of GOD he will throw away into the garbage heap!
Study and taking care of one’s ‘GIFT’ is essential to keep kiber (arrogance) down so that a true understanding can bring the everlasting gift of SALVATION. For without honesty, careful practice and especially the MERCY of GOD there is no Salvation. So, if the ultimate goal is Salvation, its seeds are in truth not in petty deceptions and selfish predispositions!
Let me bring forth a complex hadith and discuss something about it:
Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) observed: By HIM in Whose hand is the life of Muhammad, he who amongst the community of Jews or Christians hears about me, but does not affirm his belief in that with which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief), he shall be but one of the denizens of Hell-Fire. (Muslim)
Does this very true and prominent hadith refer to our ‘now period’ or does it refer to the period often known as the Second Coming of Jesus the son of Mary?
In all honesty, and for sure ALLAH KNOWS BEST, in my opinion, looking for the most logical reply should necessitate lining up with other Scriptures and common sense. This is why I prefer the above hadith narrated by Abu Huraira to refer to the Second Coming of Jesus the son of Mary and the activities he will engage in along with the individual known as the Mahdi. Then I believe that that hadith makes perfect sense!
When the Book of Revelation found in the Ingeel and other materials including hadith material concerning the return of Jesus (pbh) is discussed while being weighted with the Quranic verse about Jesus stating that ‘ALL will believe in him’, seems to show that some opposition will be encountered at first but these things will be eliminated until all opposition is eradicated and that only the Believers will remain on Earth but for a stated term (meaning until the last individual soul, who only has a mustard seed of faith in his heart, is lifted up while his body is interred in the ground)!
In order for ALL to believe in him and follow his dictates before he dies means that no opposition or any doubt will be allowed to exist in his GOD-GIVEN kingdom. And we know that his belief system is Islam and the pattern of living will follow the Prophet Muhammad’s SUNNAH except for the small tax put on non-Muslims as there won’t remain any non-Muslims and hence, this particular Sunna of Prophet Muhammad will not be followed.
As to how he (the Believers’ Messiah) will govern, the Book of Revelation and other Revealed prophecies including hadith material deal with an upright man who doesn’t sacrifice the worship of ALLAH for any reason. He will rule with a rod of iron and as hadith declares he will break the {concept of the cross} and kill the swine {the opponents to his dictates as he follows the WILL of his LORD} which is like breaking the potter’s clay as described while setting up truth and justice to a broken world.
“You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.” Psalm (2:9)
And from his mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with an iron scepter {straight and true}. He treads the winepress of the fury of the Wrath of GOD the Almighty {against his enemies}. Revelation (19:15)
Those who oppose the LORD {GOD’s WILL} will be shattered. HE will thunder from heaven against them. The LORD will judge the ends of the earth and will give power to HIS king {the Messiah}. HE will exalt {to dominance} the horn of HIS anointed {the Messiah}.” 1Samuel (2:10)
And I {GOD} will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them {those opposed to the Messiah} that hate him. Psalm (89:23)
‘His enemies’ are those opposed to his Islamic rule in administering pure Islam in truth and before his physical death all sentient beings will believe in him.
Many will say to me in that day {the Day of Judgment}, ‘Lord, lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name {while celebrating your praises}?’
Then I {Jesus} will tell them {his false followers} plainly {on the Last Day of Judgment}, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you {self-absorbed} workers of lawlessness!’ Matthew (7:22-23)
As for the Muslims {supposedly for their fierce belief in THE GOD being ONE and ONLY WHILE HAVING DOMINION OVER ALL THINGS – ya tha-jellali wal-ikram}, especially in this time of crisis, distractions and confusion there is good hope:
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, (pbh) said, “Verily, you are in a time when one who leaves a tenth of what he has been commanded is ruined. Then, there will be a time when one who practices a tenth of what he has been commanded is saved.” (Tirmidhi)
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful:
All praise is due to ALLAH. We praise HIM, we seek HIS help, we seek HIS forgiveness, and we seek refuge in ALLAH from the evil within ourselves and our evil deeds. Whoever ALLAH guides; there is no one to misguide him. Whoever ALLAH leads astray; there is no one to guide him. I testify there is no GOD but ALLAH ALONE, without any partners, and that Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is HIS servant and HIS messenger.
And there is None of the People of the Book but must believe in him {Jesus} before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them {who disbelieved}. Quran (4:159)
Did Jesus ever speak of the Trinity to his Disciples?
Not in those terms as we recognize them today! Of course like all high-level prophets he did come with a unifying message of bodily functions, thought patterns and spiritual upliftment concerning what men and women could bring to the table. Should man surrender 10% of himself to GOD and keep 90% for himself – you answer the question?
He, like all the other high-prophets taught that giving up of oneself, piece by piece, slowly but surely in trusting the ONE GOD, man could unify his parts thus making the WHOLE (body, mind and soul) better! TRUST IN THE SYSTEM brought about by the ONE GOD! And see the person develop or advance spiritually towards that inner kingdom or the saying that the inner kingdom of GOD is from WITHIN!
Now when he {Jesus} was asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of GOD would come, he answered them and said, “The Kingdom of GOD does not come with observation;
Nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the Kingdom of GOD is within you.” Luke (17:20-21)
And that is what one presents to his LORD in the Grave and on the Last DAY! That is the ‘Soul-Record’ of what was achieved in the ‘Term of Appointment’ given to that soul as a ‘test’ of its presumed Felicity to the ONE GOD. According to Paul:
Do not be deceived, GOD is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap {unto himself}.
For he who sows to his flesh {following the brash and animalistic tendencies} will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit {whose duty is to bow down in purpose, will and intent to its LORD} will of the Spirit reap Everlasting Life. Galatians (6:7-8)
So, in taking these sacrosanct principles and turning them into grotesque paganist ways one eventually develops the very much maligned theory of the Trinity as professed nowadays by especially the born-agains and many current church doctrines!
And WE granted them Clear Signs in affairs (of Religion): it was only after knowledge had been granted to them that they fell into schisms, through insolent envy among themselves. Verily your LORD will judge between them on the {LAST DAY of JUDGMENT} as to those matters in which they set up differences. Quran (45:17)
Historically speaking, in taking note that the Roman Empire was over 95% non-Christian in nature before 100 CE containing mostly pagan, Jewish and other types of entities including atheists and agnostics of various kinds it is not a wonder that ‘syncretism’ defined as (the amalgamation or the attempted union or joining of ideas from different religions, cultures, or schools of thought) was the dominant driving force of theoretical knowledge of the day from which the people were taught to believe in.
Hence, the tendency for the unclean to mix the chaff with the wheat! Therefore, a little bit of leaven does indeed wreck or leaven the whole lump or as Paul declared:
A little leaven leavens the whole lump {and therefore the unleavened bread is ruined}. Galatians (5:9)
HIS winnowing fan is in HIS hand {all POWER belongs to HIM – the ONE GOD}, and HE will thoroughly clean out HIS threshing floor, and gather HIS wheat into the barn; but HE will burn up the chaff {that is opposed to HIS appointed Messiah and hence the bowing down in purpose and will to ALLAH in Islam} with unquenchable Fire.” Matthew (3:12)
Did Prophet Muhammad (pbh) ever speak of ‘syncretism’? Yes, he did and we find that in hadith literature:
Abu Huraira reported ALLAH’s Messenger (pbh) as saying ‘No babe {child} is born but upon Fitra {his natural state}. It is his parents {society in general} who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist. A person said: ALLAH’s Messenger, what is your opinion if they were to die before that (before reaching the age of adolescence when they can distinguish between right and wrong)? He said: It is ALLAH alone WHO knows what they would be doing. (Muslim)
Proving once again that Prophet Muhammad (pbh) is not just a prophet for one nation as Jesus or the rest of the prophets were but is the truly UNIVERSAL PROPHET for all of mankind as well as other created creatures:
WE {ALLAH} did not send you {O Muhammad}, but as a Mercy for ALL creatures. Quran (21:107)
Abu Sa’id reported: The Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) said, “I am the Master of the children of Adam, and it is no boast. I will be the first to intercede and whose intercession will be accepted {to keep people from falling into the Pit of Fire called HELL}, and it is no boast.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)
Narrated Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri narrated: The Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) said: “I am the Chief of the children of Adam on the Day of Judgement and I am not boasting, and in my hand is the Banner of Praise and I am not boasting, and there has been no Prophet since Adam or other than him, except that he is under my banner. And I am the first for whom the earth will split open, and I am not boasting.” He said: “The people will be frightened by three things causing mass terror. So they will come to Adam saying: ‘You are our father Adam, so intercede for us with your LORD.’ So he says: ‘I committed a sin for which I was expelled to the earth, so go to Noah.’ So they will come to Noah and he will say: ‘I supplicated against the people of the earth, so they were destroyed. So go to Ibrahim.’ So they will go to Ibrahim, and he says: ‘I lied three times.'” Then the Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) said: “He did not lie except defending ALLAH’s religion.” “So go to Musa {Moses}.’ So they will come to Musa, and he will say: ‘I took a life. So go to ‘Eisa (Jesus). So they go to ‘Eisa and he says: ‘I was worshiped besides ALLAH {but he mentioned no sin of his as he was born sinless and remained sinless while on Earth}. So go to Muhammad (pbh).'” He said: “So they will come to me, and I will go to them.” (One of the narrators) Ibn Ju’dan said: “Anas said: ‘It is as if I am looking at the Messenger of ALLAH (pbh), and he is saying: “So I will take hold of a ring of a gate of Paradise to rattle it, and it will be said {by an Angel}: ‘Who is there?’ It will be said: ‘Muhammad.’ They will open it for me, and welcome me saying, ‘Welcome.’ I will fall prostrate and ALLAH will inspire me with {Special} statements of Gratitude and Praise for ALLAH and it will be said to me: ‘Raise your head, ask and you shall be given, intercede, and your intercession shall be accepted, speak, and your saying shall be heard.’ And that is Al-Maqam Al-Mahmud about which ALLAH said: It may be that your LORD will raise you to Maqaman-Mahmud {the HIGHEST STATION that any created creature can attain to} (17:79).” Sufiyan said: “None of it is from Anas except this sentence: ‘I will take hold of a ring of a gate of Paradise to rattle it.'” (Jami at-Tirmidhi)
So the Quran gives us a valuable history lesson that man has yet to fully learn but he will as sure as sure can be for he will surely come to know that it is ONLY THE ONE GOD THAT RULES and holds POWER OVER ALL THINGS!
And So It Goes!