These days people including those in charge have a habit of putting on ‘the spin’ as they would see it for personal gain whether it be for job, popularity, money, success, ego building or a combination of all of the above. That is one big reason why this world is in such a mess as we see it today and it is only getting worse.

There are rules which have been laid down by the Holy Books (The Jewish Testament (old-type version), the Jewish new-type version of adjusted Judaism featuring the Gospels and other writings (Quran (3:50) (I {Jesus} have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (Before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your LORD. So fear ALLAH, and obey me. And also ‘And ALLAH will teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and {the adjustment to that Jewish Law called} the Gospel’. Quran (3:48)

And of course, the Final Revelation called the Quran and the Sunnan of Prophet Muhammad (pbh). These three parts make up the historic development of Monotheism which is implied in the Quran as follows: Quranic verses like (2:62), (2:121), (2:136), (2:285), (4:136), (7:157) and (42:13).

But most of mankind are in revolt against such notions whether they claim this or that religion and tend to prefer to bicker over what would give them certain advantages over others in their race for Self-Glorification! And one can see it in the lackluster and often sleazy attempt to brand their kind or their ilk as being on the side of correctness or in the case of those who use religion as a promotional vehicle or tool to gain sympathetic advantages for their positions or status.

Any country for example can be used but the American political race features a good example of people who are suffering from spiritual, intellectual and moral rot. Positions, character and behavior patterns which are condemned by religious Books are often praised and lauded by a people who preen themselves concerning their greatness. Truly, as the Gospel of Matthew declares: ‘By their fruits you will know them!

As many countries abuse the religious standards that they had once proclaimed as being viable, they are passing on themselves the ‘Law of Retribution’ for which many will pay a very steep and humiliating price for being twisted partakers in creating their own pathway towards the ‘final humiliation’ as can be shown in a following hadith:

According to a hadith found in Bukhari 999 out of 1,000 individuals will be {sentenced} to the Hell-Fire. However, being sent or sentenced to Hell-Fire does not mean that the stay in the Hell-Fire for all will be forever nor at the same level. And in some cases being sent to the Hell-Fire in and around its boarders, depending upon the nature of the soul’s disobedience, though evil and disgusting enough and extremely hard to bear; that soul may get a reprieve from those who are given the ‘gift to reprieve’.

Even under these conditions of getting ‘let off the hook’ may sound simple to say, the hadiths on this question have the people in this type of distress having their hair turned instantly gray and fainting dead away as the torment is extremely grave and unsettling. Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s videos on ‘The Last Day of Judgment’ can help clear up some of these issues that may be causing some confusion.

So, it is to mankind’s advantage to stop talking from both sides of their mouths and follow, no matter how painful it is in the Dunya (worldly life), a course of action that is truthful and not fueling self-glorification! In other words, if a person is a convicted convict, a braggart, a bully or a sleazebag then don’t even follow him or her or be a part of the twisted, diabolical, truth-slamming ways he/she is inviting one to.

But people are what their spiritual records eventually show (Be NOT deceived for GOD shall not be mocked; for whatever a man sows that shall he reap! And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap {goodness}, if we faint not. Galatians (6:7 and 9)) and that is why in these latter times the empty shell of mankind whose soul is gluttonous for his own glory is calling down wrath upon his head:

And nothing prevents men from believing, now when the guidance has come to them, and from asking Forgiveness of their LORD, except that the ways of the ancients be repeated with them {in their pompous behavior}, or the torment be brought to them face to face?

And WE send not the Messengers except as givers of glad tidings and warners. But those who disbelieve, dispute with false argument, in order to refute the truth thereby. And they treat My Ayat (Proofs, Evidences, Verses, Lessons, Signs, Revelations), and that with which they are warned, as {a} jest and mockery! Quran (18:55-56)

And So It Goes!