Some Christian sects have used some of the verses of the Quran in trying to suggest that a ‘fair Quranic Book’ shows the proof of the New Testament but as a Holy Book, the Quran, falls far short of being a totally dependable, believable holy book-type standard and thus falls far short of the Bible as a Holy Book.
Some of these verses they would claim actually validates their way of thinking. However, only a twisted mind would be that gullible to believe such nonsense! Their way of thinking is to suggest that they will believe in only their way of thinking and hope to confuse the Muslims about their own Holy Book. That is nothing but the old intellectual ‘bait and switch’ or what the so-called ‘superior race’ did to the native peoples across this planet!
What is done is done but only a fool wants to repeat the past licentiousness! So, here is the low down on the following verses:
The key to understanding the Abrahamic Faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) comes from Quran (4:136), Quran (2:136), Quran (2:62) and Quran (2:121):
O you who believe! Believe in ALLAH and HIS Messenger {Muhammad}, and the scripture which HE has sent to HIS Messenger {Muhammad} and the scripture which HE sent to those before (him). Any who deny ALLAH, HIS Angels, HIS Books, HIS Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, has gone far, far astray Quran (4:136) and
We {people who actually believe in a ONE GOD AND ONE DEVELOPMENTAL MESSAGE} believe in ALLAH, and the Revelation given to us, and to Abraham {and his seed} Isma’il {and} Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their LORD: We make no difference between one and another of them {in their philosophical content}. Quran (2:136)
The keys to success: Those who believe (in the Quran) and those who follow {in earnestand NOT for show but in TRUTH} the Jewish (scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians {and} any who believe in ALLAH and the Last Day and work righteousness shall have their reward with their LORD {and} on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Q (2: 62)
Those {Various Peoples} to whom WE have sent the BOOK study it as it should be studied {with meaning, intent, vocalization, as a Guide and as a Remembrance as they shall pass on knowledge to keep the flame of truth alive and interest in the future-life well-watered from the spring of life}: They are the ones that believe therein: Those who reject faith {and pay no heed to it – to these life giving spiritual waters} therein, the loss is their own {by their own hands}. Q (2: 121)
Because of the Quran’s claim to be Totally Pure without defect, and because the Quran is acknowledged to remain Pure until it is finally taken up from the Earth (hadith literature), the above verses (Quran (4:136, 2:136, 2:62 and 2:121) must be totally legitimate. If so, this leads one to adapting to the idea that the other texts must contain a great deal of truthful evidence and that this evidence depends more on interpretation than corruptible dissemination.
The above verses according to proper Quranic thinking must be true yesterday, today and tomorrow if the Quran is to be considered the ‘Universal Book’ it would claim to be. So bring forth your books if you are telling the truth! Moreover, bring forth the true history of these books if you are telling the truth and let the evidence speak for itself!
This does not just apply to them but it applies equally well to those who proclaim that ‘we are Muslims’! So, what is good for the goose is good for the gander! Blanket statements without background or meaning just happen to be, in reality, basically meaningless to most people who are well versed in the science of religion!
Such splash makes great verbal fodder, however. That is why it is used by so-called ‘hucksters’ who try to sell their brand of religious fanaticism to the public. Why? Basically, it brings them money and support by which to make more money to live the ‘dream life’ (popularity in having followers, cars, planes, estates, stocks and bonds, to name just a few items).
For those who are trapped in this quagmire but don’t realize it, talking to them is like trying to talk to a cement wall. And ALLAH, no matter what scripture one reads, has promised to keep these foggy-brained individuals in the dark such that they cannot steal their way to Paradise – especially on just their say so!
No humbleness, no coming with head bowed but rather an arrogance of such self-assurance that it seems like they command their ‘god’ to do them justice. What they don’t count upon in their self-created, self-manufactured and self-righteousness is that they literally have no leg to stand on except self-delusion.
And that is what the Quran and Bible state emphatically (Quran (40:75) and 2 Thessalonians (2: 10-12), to name just a few places). And that shows what has become so obvious and why this planet is in such terrible straights. And as long as the inner self is content with lies and parading around in egotistical selfishness, the more problems will occur. That is how this (living) planet operates.
Why? For lots of reasons but the one simple reason is that the Earth we live on is a living entity (defined as being a created thing responsible to its CREATOR) and not some dumb, stupid, piece of dirt. Earth has the ability to move and create torment for those living on it by bringing conditions that will torment and strain human credulity.
We see this in the Holy Works and hadith material as it shows man brought low (on his knees) when the ‘earth tremors’ start for real. In the past, this generally dealt with one region or city-state. Now, we are approaching a world-wide event so imagine when the whole world will start to shake, then where will the mighty governments be?
Anyway, religion is an individual ‘science’ and besides, there is no compulsion in religion (Quran) but, like during an important exam, we will eventually find out who passes and who flunks. The books that people have or had to study will be called Scripture and the questions posed will be one of following and understanding and not just for show.
So when we look at the above 4 Quranic verses and actually apply them with good, common sense, we will see that beyond a few corrupt twists and turns, we actually have some really good, viable words of Holy Import in all of the Holy Scriptures!
This can only happen if the ONE GOD is in control and makes things happen such that a careful person can eventually find his/her salvation knowledge in book form. Not only that but when one applies the old grey matter, one can, ALLAH WILLING, see the kind of light given off by these portentous words or ‘words to live by’!
So, it isn’t GOD WHO abandons the people at first. It is the people who abandon HIM that cause the trouble. And HE is quite capable because HE IS THE ALL-ABLE (AL-Qadeer) to turn the sons of Adam any way HE wants. HIS wants, as proven through scripture, is not to humiliate HIS followers but to uplift them or even to remind them in certain, at times, unpleasant ways that HE is THE ONE WHO should be worshiped – as in bringing the straying ones back into the flock – a kind of predestined fate.
And since the final goal is Paradise concerning the soul who really wants it and by which it has been ‘secretly marked off’, will have to pay for it at times with what would appear to be disagreeable. We don’t mercifully know who those people are so that leaves us quite dependent on THE ONE WHO can save us in the end!
We can have various ‘theories’ about how this may happen but the Guidance has been sent down in order to make mankind prosper but few seem to understand that, in depth anyway.
As to the Holy Books, the Quran covers them in great detail by showing what the ‘People of the Book’ used to do and how they behaved and why lots of prophets were sent to the Jews (that includes the last of the Jewish prophets, Jesus the son of Mary (pbh)).
Without a doubt, man has a propensity to change things but GOD does not leave the human condition alone to ‘twist slowly in the wind’ before Judgment is past. In the contest with GOD, the careless man outwits himself at every turn thinking that he has achieved some sort of victory but inwardly the corruption, which they are not readily aware of, eats away at their stability like a cancer.
To take out pieces of refined metal (souls), a baptism of fire so to speak, we are awakened by crisis after crisis to see if we actually will turn to HIM WHO gave us life. So we have the ‘refreshing’ then the STANDARD which has now become the FUTURE STANDARD in a kingdom yet to come that will be rightfully blessed (the kingdom of Christ Jesus under the Islamic Domain):
Narrated Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (pbh) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (pbh). He will descend (to the earth). When you see him, recognize him as a man of medium height, reddish hair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops {like pearls} were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam – {also found in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy) and Acts (3:23 – And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.’ – concerning obeying what ‘that Prophet’ Prophet Muhammad (pbh) brought which is the Pure Quran and his Sunnah.} He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish Jiziah. ALLAH will perish all religions except Islam. He {Jesus} will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
Abdullah ibn Umar I narrated that Prophet (pbh) said: Jesus will descend to the Earth. He will marry and have children. He will spend 45 years in this way and he will finally die and be buried with me. On the Day of Judgement, I, Jesus, Abu Bakr and Umar will rise from the same site {place – meaning “the Enlightened City: Medina al-Munarah}.
This hadith has been classified as weak but it contains a lot of material which can be verified from other sources. Basically, the problem is in the time spent on Earth before he dies not where he will be buried.
Abdullah ibn Salam narrated: The characteristics of Prophet Muhammad are described in the Old Testament and it is also mentioned that Jesus will be buried with him. This hadith can be verified from the Old Testament Book called Isaiah especially in Chapter 42 and 53 and the Song of Solomon as has been reported in my works.
The Quran, which claims to be the ‘PURE BOOK’, has been rigorously tested in various ways and in using various sources. And if it is THE BOOK and not just any kind of book to be used in Christ’s kingdom on Earth and will remain such until lifted up from mankind from their hearts and even physically from being touched or read, then it must be totally logical, scientific and historically correct.
That being the case, it can’t fall down in any category. For example, it can’t claim 100% purity and say that it achieves 90% purity which is equivalent to being 100% on the beam! Such nonsense won’t fly when put forth to educated people.
What this will amount to is plain and simple! The Quran is capable of speaking about the past, present and future without missing a beat! However, when some people feel threatened (probably because they are not secure in their knowledge), they want to skip the hard questions and duck for cover as if that will calm the storm.
And with the storm of irresponsible people trying to dishonor the Quran or Islam or Prophet Muhammad (pbh) due to their own insecurities and false bluster, they try to ‘worm their way’ into the hearts and minds of the believers in the hope of having their own greasy ranks supported.
Now as to taking the four quotes from the Quran seriously, we need to know that there never appeared under any circumstance an Angel coming down handing a prophet, any prophet, a book, giftwrapped and complete! It was a piecemeal process occurring over time.
The Christian so-called New Testament when looked at under a proper, sane and logical light, does contain the four or five types of forgery that the Quran talks about. However, the compiling of this New Testament Book, if one believes in the Quran, is quite miraculous in the face of human criminality and stupidity.
Just ask yourselves the question of how many possible Gospels and other New Testament writings exist? Lots of them is the answer. And this huge number spans the first three centuries as to their production.
It got so silly to produce the Infancy Gospel, the Gospel of Thomas, and Peter, perhaps Peter’s cousin, nephew, uncle and future grandchild and all the Mary’s producing them. So, it is almost a breath of fresh air to have some Testament that would generally steer people in the right direction, IF THEY WERE TRULY INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT THE TRUTH!
In order to do that, it would require a deep-seated interest in this book and a curiosity of exploring its meanings without falling a slave to its propagators. In other words, having the ability to think freely without being steered into someone else’s corrupt belief system aka church edicts and councils!
Secondly, when did this so-called New Testament become official and when was it available to an audience that could actually read these things? Remember, the Quran is speaking about ‘books’/manuscripts that have an actual audience. If not, then the Quran is in trouble because it would be stating something truthful over only a brief period such that those who have no ability to read or hear these things would not count in the equation.
Since the Quran can be used to speak to ‘modern day’ audiences who have the potential to read these things, then they might wonder why we Muslims agree with their texts but don’t agree with them! That sounds like gobbledygook!
So, in order to have a consistent, historical and logical discussion, one must come to the conclusion that it is in the interpretation of these records that show the gulf between truth and fiction. So, interpretation is the key word here and not so much that ‘you people’ have no record to stand on.
And if some suggest that a ‘pure record’ did exist at one time concerning the New Testament, then they have ignored true history, logic, man’s ability to fudge things according to his personal whims, and the Quran and are using some mental gymnastics to cause a circle to represent a square.
This forms the basis of the expression ‘Come let us reason together’ as it implies that there is really a type of ‘oneness’ in these records. Then mankind must face a maturity crisis in looking at the hard evidence as to which ‘doctrine’ is most pleasing to his LORD!
That is where the crisis comes in and that is where these writings come in. That means the showing of ‘the true and correct pathway’ pointing to Islam as brought by our dear Prophet Muhammad (pbh) sanctified by our CREATOR LORD and presented as the religion of the Future Believers under the kingship of ALLAH’s servant, Jesus Christ (pbh).
Whether one chooses to believe it or not, the records agree with this notion and the many verses used in application of this idea can be found in these writings. However, many people are not going to let a simple thing like ‘truth’ get in the way of their own personal desiresand therefore, they must by their various nefarious nature rebel against the truth and torment those who would follow it.
These people have created their own false god, if not themselves, then some other type of nonsense which they are convinced will save them. Therefore, they feel secure in their false beliefs because the Satan and his legions have succeeded in duping them into a type of false bravado.
Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote {to} you with the {type of} wisdom that GOD {for HIS OWN REASONS} gave him.
He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these {complex} matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they {have done with} the other Scriptures {that were given to them in the past}, {leading} to their own {self-inflicted} destruction.
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may NOT be carried away by the error of the lawless {those who create self-delusional fantasies} and fall from your secure position {on the pathway of true salvation}. 2Peter (3:15-17)
And (remember) when WE said to the angels; “Prostrate to Adam.” So they prostrated except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns; he disobeyed the Command of his LORD. Will you then take him and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than ME while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for the Zalimun.
I made them not to witness (nor took their help in) the creation of the heavens and the earth and not (even) their own creation, nor was I to take the misleaders as helpers.
And (remember) the Day HE will say: “Call those (so-called) partners of MINE whom you pretended {to exist in reality or pretended about their station}.” Then they will cry unto them, but they will not answer them, and WE shall put a barrier between them.
And the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners), shall see the Fire and apprehend that they have to fall therein. And they will find no way of escape from there.
And indeed WE have put forth every kind of example in this Qur’an, for mankind. But, man is ever more contentious than anything.
And nothing prevents men from believing, now when the guidance has come to them, and from asking Forgiveness of their LORD, except that the ways of the ancients be repeated with them, or the torment be brought to them face to face? Quran (18:50-55)