This is the conclusion of these writings offering proof beyond contradiction that Islam is indeed THE TRUTH whether anyone chooses to believe it or not! One of the best ways to demonstrate this is to have the other Monotheistic Religions actually declare it in order to avoid the lame excuse of ‘you say it is so because you are a Muslim and so you are prejudiced against all rhyme and reason’!

The individual is presented a choice. It is a choice that will mark him or her as to how he/she stands up for the TRUTH (privately or publicly) no matter his condition and reflects his or her salvation-mode and whether his/her notion of GOD is trustworthy or in reality cringe worthy and self-serving and therefore immature.

For it is true that there is no compulsion in religion but it is also true that reason trumps puerile ignorance/stubbornness and Jesus’ parable about building one’s (spiritual pathway) house is totally accurate. The ONE GOD is beyond the simple comprehension that man has at his disposal but one can take that journey to what is called Salvation by taking the journey!

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever {truly} disbelieves in Taghut {Falsehoods} and believes in ALLAH has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And ALLAH is Hearing and Knowing {and responsible for their guidance}.

ALLAH is the ally of those who believe. {For} HE brings them out from darkness into the Light. And those who disbelieve – their allies are Taghut {they are mutual helpers of each other as misery and falsehoods love each other’s company}. They take them out of the Light into darkness. Those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.  Quran (2:256-257)

I {Jesus} will show you what he is like who comes to me {follows truth} and hears my words and acts {follows} on them:  (Luke (6:47-49)

He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock {meaning he has solid and real Faith}. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house {life’s little vagaries}, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock {on sound and basic principles}.

But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.” {As that once great creation of his soul spurned its CREATOR} Luke (6:47-49)

It always helps in being honest with oneself for the self is malleable and can be easily swayed this way or that depending upon the secret place in the heart that acts as a weighted balance. The declaration by GOD that HE will fill Hell with men and Jinns is not an empty threat but a declaration of challenging the wills of men to test which will is stronger: GOD’s WILL or man’s will. We know the answer because GOD does not die; men die and so much for the invincibility of the argumentative clay coffins walking around Earth!

If your LORD had so willed, HE could have made mankind one people: but they will not cease to dispute {with each other}.

Except those on whom your LORD has bestowed HIS Mercy: and for this did HE create them: and the Word of your LORD shall be fulfilled: “I will fill Hell with jinns and men all together.”   Quran (11:118-119)

The Christians can confirm this thought by declaring that Jesus (pbh) said that it was not his own (independent) will that even counted (because it really didn’t amount to a pinch of putty) but it was the WILL OF THE ONE WHO SENT him that was above all tantamount to actual reality and therefore words leading to spiritual victory!

So, without further ado, let us get to the meat of the matter!

In these writings, a collection of over 130 pieces of literature, the evidence for Islam/the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (pbh) can all come from the Books of the former peoples meaning those who are members of the Monotheistic set and not just Islamic doctrine.

It has been written in these various writings and shown by Scriptural Proof, whether the non-believers detest it or not, that the Quran is stated in the Old Testament to be 100% Truthful!

It is also stated in the Old Testament that ‘Umar bin al-Khattab is Highly Praised by the ONE GOD HIMSELF and he is the lesser of the two in greatness to (THE PROPHET and Abu Bakr).

Furthermore, the name of Prophet Muhammad is indeed mentioned in the Old Testament along with his description.

In addition to this, the idea of Jesus (pbh) being buried in Medina at the ‘end of his worldly tour’ is declared in Isaiah (pbh).

Moreover, from many places in the Bible it is shown that there are only, by Religious LAW, TWO TESTATMENTS – the Jewish Scriptures which are composed of Jewish materials containing the original 5 books or Pentateuch, other ‘books’ by Jewish prophets coming after Moses (pbh) and finally the last of Jewish materials called the Ingeel in Arabic incorrectly called by its proponents – the New Testament, which it is not. This rounds out the Jewish Literature – old style and reformed style!

Christianity actually began in the very early part of the second century as it was trying to coalesce around the battle between Gnostics, who were in the minority versus the majority of religious thinkers. That ‘battle’ finally ended with Justin Martyr’s proclamation in 147 CEconcerning the crucifixion fiasco. Now comes the Christian writings or philosophical discourses featuring such stalwarts as Justin Martyr, Tertullian and a host of others. These writings are opinions and arguments and not ‘Holy Writ’!

True Christian writings or what could be called their ‘new testament’ are not a Jewish productbut are something akin to diatribes or discussions on philosophical ideas about certain topics that contain a mixture of Jewish folklore, cultural expectations with some type of paganism thrown in and a type of Platonic thinking with Aristotelian type logic.

For example, Justin Martyr’s book called a Dialogue with Trypho discusses the superiority of his Christian faith when compared to Judaism. Justin Martyr went from his original paganist beliefs to being a stalwart of the Christian Faith as an early church father but it appears that he could not shed all of his former belief systems and so incorporated his fanciful ideas into a product deemed ‘truly Christian’. These happenings occured around the 150 to 160 CE era.

This philosophy would come from Jewish scripture based on a text called the Q Documentand retooled somewhat (meaning to alter the originals) to fit the above logic types as it would be to their liking to remove and remake themselves into a different sub-set of peoples that are NOT strictly Jewish or Sabbath followers.

Now we have, with the coming of Islam, 3 distinct branches of Faith where in a perfect world there would only be ONE FAITH as there is only ONE GOD. However, that would require an honest commitment to the TRUTH! Seeing that such honesty is not really forthcoming we have been instructed in hadith materials about the certain wages for this ‘sin’ and that will be shown on the LAST DAY OF JUDGEMENT in the ‘tormenting order of preference’ showing the quicker relief to the peoples who will be set up for Judgment.

The understanding of these dynamics can come from the assembly of men on the Last Day as to their order of being held for stringent and very arduous questioning. According to Islamic Science of hadith, the first peoples to be closely interrogated will be the Muslims. Next, will come the Jews and finally the Christians will get their turn at bat.

This may sound simple but it is indeed horrific if standing and waiting for thousands of years in miserable conditions (as described in hadith literature) consisting of horror, fear and agony is any kind of pill to contemplate. People would literally rather puke their guts out than be in such a state of humiliation but if one takes the seriousness of religion to be just an ‘idle fancy’ than what else can one expect!

It is even suggested that the torment of waiting in such conditions will drive some to beg for this torment to be over so that they could be sent to the Hell-Fire without further delay! That is how serious the Last Day of Judgment will be and we still haven’t covered the dreaded and horrific time before this called the ‘Torment of the Grave’ which is a prelude to some assurance of ease and comfort or a preface of disgrace and torment to come!

These things (the Christian Way of rewrapping things) didn’t happen overnight but were debated and formulated to raise one group of people over another contrasting old-time Jewish thought versus a more modern but earthy and friendly coexistence between man and his godmixed with a touch of earthly paganism!

An example of this is what can be called ‘statue worship’ or asking a wish be granted from a likeness of an individual whether made of metal, plastic or other material to hear one out; to ask for a favor; or to guide or bless one for a future reference. How silly is it that a plaster of Paris figure is taken as a representation of a once living entity and this thought covers the so-called invincible, hidden Imam who falls in that same category for the ignorant ones to admire!

Finally, there is shown a Paradigm Change in that a new era (Arabs/Kedar) under a new beginning belonging to the Gentiles (non-Jews), with a specific Language and Culture establishing a NEW BOOK or as Isaiah (pbh) calls it ‘a New Song’ being a bridge between what went before and being established as THE BOOK for the Future Reign in the Kingdom ruled by the Messiah and beyond his death (for as a man and only a man he has to eventually die a physical death and of course be buried).

This Paradigm Change must occur with a set of different peoples or non-Jews known as Gentiles; have a different Language set meaning non-Hebraic; and especially not Jewish in origin as to its peoples! Of great importance is that the presenter or founder of this ‘dynasty or Religious Movement’ must actually die and be buried for the Paradigm Change to be complete as found in the Epistle to the Hebrews! In other words, he will not be coming back to life on Earth as in returning but once his job on Earth is over – IT IS OVER!

Moreover, he will be the Gentile Prophet who being a Semite (an Arab) and a non-Jew qualifies him under the domain of a true Paradigm Change with a non-Hebraic Language.

Finally, somewhere in the Books (actually in the Old Testament and in the book of the Christians), there is actually mentioned that the Former Peoples (Jews) are NOT Considered pre-eminent anymore so as to open the gates for the New Paradigm Change to take pre-eminence as to being, in this case, so very correct, the FIANL WORD of GOD for the instruction of mankind until the very end of time approaches and for this type of construct to be lifted up from the Earth’s surface and found no more for it will be of no value to the cursed souls who yet will remain behind on a failing Earth according to a Fatwa by Ibn Taymiyyah and also found in hadith material!!!

According to Jewish and updated Jewish Holy records:

According to Jesus (pbh), the Last of the Jewish prophets as to giving a dire warning to the ruling Jews (the Pharisees):

You snakes, you offspring of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?

“Therefore, behold, I {says GOD} am sending {have sent} you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will flog in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city.

So that upon you will fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar {because you condemned his righteousness and his warnings to you}Matthew (23:33-35)

MY people {the Children of Israel} are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge {as to be set in your old ways refusing the growth sent down by the prophets}, I {THE ONE GOD} also will reject you from being priest {meaning in a religious leadership capacity as in ‘the chosen people of ALLAH’} for ME; because you have forgotten the LAW of your GOD, {so} I also will forget your children {meaning their heritage as chosen of ALLAH}Hosea (4:6)

With that being said, it is only natural and reasonable that Islam is looked at by both Muslims and non-Muslims in a new light reflecting not a new religion but rather a religion emphasizing new dynamics of understanding concerning religion as it pertains to the journey of man’s soul and the possible outcomes of his triumphs or tragedies that he will face in the Hereafter on the Last Day of Judgment!!!

As an aside note – Jesus (pbh) and his little kingdom is ruled by a set standard of LAWS/Religion and most definitely Christianity is off the board on this one as the Christ is not, nor will he not be depended upon philosophical treatises and contradictory religious practicesof those who ‘developed’ what they perceived in their own minds to be true based on their philosophical leanings!

And they say: “None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.” Those are their (vain) desires. Say: “Produce your proof if you are truthful.”

Nay, whoever submits his whole self {body, mind and soul/nefs} to ALLAH and is a doer of good, he will get his reward with his LORD; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.  Quran (2:111-112)

The end result is that we can further understand the Quranic passages (2:62), (2:121), (2:136), (2:285), (4:136), (7:157), (42:13) and (3:50) – concerning the Law before Jesus (pbh) in a better more well-rounded light while matching true history with true facts!

What is the ‘Smoke’ that is talked about by the Prophet (pbh) as to be one of the ten Signs of the Judgment to Come?

ALLAH alone knows for sure! However, this is Planet Earth in all of its ‘dynamic wonders’ and there is no need to go outside the box in looking for surreal (weird) solutions! Man is a resident on a ‘Living Planet’ that serves its CREATOR and he has a lot to answer for due to his aggressive response in filling his belly by actions of greed which tends to destroy the nature around him and create havoc with the environment.

Keep kicking a dog and it will attack one when one’s back is turned!

Does that sound familiar? It should by readers of the Quran where various societies were caught off-guard (the Ad and Thamud, for example) who were looking for a pleasant meteorological phenomenon to take place but were presented instead by the terror that they were warned about by their prophets and hence their doom except for the people that were chosen to survive!

In trying to understand the ‘Smoke’ discussed by the Prophet (pbh) look at the past occurrences of such a thing along with various hadiths from the Prophet (pbh) himself. This should bring a sense of clarity to the topic and bring a set of dynamics that will affect peoples over a wide area causing disruptions, chaos, fear, panic and feelings of dread and helplessness which will affect the psyche of many peoples in various ways and therefore affect those who are governing those people.

In discussing these events one can review the LAWS of Singularity presented before in one of these writings (Collective Responsibility) and view the topic with this in mind.

Basically, one is trying to connect the dots by trying to understand the topic of ‘Khasf’ or land sinking’s (one in the east, one in the west and one in the Arabian Peninsula); the change in climate of Arab lands into lush areas of vegetation; the desperation of peoples during the era of the Anti-christ as to their conditions; the failure of societies ability to confront this Anti-christ through deadly force; and the failure of these societies to stop the Gog and Magog peoples when they are unleashed; understanding why the weapons of choice will be bows and arrows and the movement of armies will eventually depend upon horses rather than tanks or planes (what a leveling force!) as well as other odds and ends such as the failure of agriculture – and people need food to survive!

One of these odd things is the breakup of the Continent of Africa into 3 very large islands and understanding, in part, the dynamic forces that go on to shape this world’s surface areas – sometimes over millions and millions of years and sometimes what seems to be overnight by focusing on what goes on beneath the surface of our oceans!

So in discussing these events, one can learn something somewhat relevant by studying two classic cases from the past where such a ‘smoky area’ occurred and why it occurred:

These areas are the London fog in 1952 and the massive worldly disruption caused by the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 which provided tremendous agricultural problems around the globe, due to a stratospheric sulfate aerosol veil (or smoky projection).

 As far as Africa is concerned, think of lands being ripped up, people being displaced and the internal energy happenings below the surface of the Earth, which man cannot control, and the microbes living on this surface, which we call human beings, being thrown into constant swarms of doubt and terror or:

And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sakethose days will be shortened {so that the kingship of the Messiah under the banner of ISLAM will take place and a new beginning shall ‘eventually’ dawn upon mankind in the form of ‘all will believe on him’ (the real Islamic Jesus – And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them {who blatantly refused to believe} – Quran 4:159}Matthew (24:22)

And So It Goes!