The symbols { } are used to bring clarity of understanding to the text.

The TRUE AND DAMAGING prophecy/idea FROM THE BIBLE concerning Jesus the Christ (pbh):

and, {as to Jesus being}A stone of Stumbling and a rock of Offense.” They stumble because they {would continuously} disobey the Wordand to this they were APPOINTED* {for before they were born}.                         1Peter (2:8)

                         {*Using this word ‘appointed‘ gives us a clue to something of the nature of the soul. As was pointed out in another article, the soul is brought forth on a term of FITRA as to its creation but man is responsible for his/her actions and must bear the consequences of such. Such that there is no escape from ALLAH nor from HIS TOTAL FAIRNESS and JUSTICE and giving man a multitude of chances to ‘right his ship’ after it has been damaged as in the case of the SIGN or PATTERN we call adam!

The similitude of this is likened to a farmer who grows his crops on well nurtured and watered soil. Abundance can be had IF he works at his job. He doesn’t have to get a Ph.D. degree in understanding soil science in order to make things work. HE JUST IS REQUIRED TO ACTUALLY WORK TO HAVE A GOODLY HARVEST BUT HE SHOULD KNOW WHAT HE IS DOING!

Like the above Biblical quote, 1Peter (2:8), we don’t have to know the ‘story’ behind the word ‘appointed’ to fathom that we should be about doing our duty in life as it pertains to worshiping the ONE WHO GAVE US LIFE AND THE PROMISES OF EXALTED ABUNDANCE IN THE HEREAFTER IF WE ACTUALLY WORK AT IT AND TRUST IN HIS GUIDANCE.}

And he {Jesus} shall be for a sanctuary {to the believers when he comes back to rule his kingdom}; but for a stone of Stumbling and for a rock of Offence to BOTH the houses**of Israel,for a gin and for a snare {or trap} to the inhabitants of Jerusalem…                                         Prophet Isaiah (8:14-15)

                                     {**For all practical intents and purposes one can declare that One of the meanings for BOTH THE HOUSES OF ISRAEL‘ refer to the Jews and Christians. The two related religions are in close proximity as in ‘the Good Book’ featuring both the Old and New Testaments; the declaration of ‘this culture’ being a Judaeo-Christian culture; the idea of Europe and the Americas having a close cultural history and ties to a Jewish/Christian historical background – ‘children or seed from Abraham’ (pbh).}

The key words here, in this age at least, are the words ‘STUMBLING‘ as Jesus (pbh) becomes that according to prophecy as a STUMBLING BLOCK for acceptance and an ‘OFFENCE‘ just because the truthful package of Jesus does not elevate that character enough for our peculiar tastes!(being a devout servant and just a man even in his miraculous setting is just plain ridiculous when we have tales of great and glorious gods to magically move the human race along)

Putting it altogether we come up with this in the New Testament:

but we preach Christ crucified, as a stumbling block to the Jews and {as} folly to the Gentiles.   1Corinthians (1:23)

Now, another mystery is solved and that was done without having to reference the Quran. But when the Quran is referenced, it does tell the complete truth about these two former Testaments if one studies the records very, very carefully and, of course, IF ALLAH PERMITS!!!

In reply to this gem of knowledge, one would think that a massive conversion to Islam would follow but don’t count on it as OLD IDEAS DIE HARD and the human mind/heart complex can be very stubborn and grossly dense if it has been previously hardwired to make it so!

That they {the leadership of the Jews and the rebellious crowd that followed them} said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of ALLAH; but they didn’t kill him, nor did they succeed in crucifying him, but so it was made {to their senses} to appear to them {that they did}, and those who differ therein {about the supposed crucifixion and WHAT PURPOSE THEY ARE USING IT FOR} are FULL of doubts {WHEN THE SUBJECT IS APPROACHED WITH INTELLIGENCE***}, with no (certain) knowledge, but ONLY {DUBIOUS} conjecture to follow, FOR A COMPLETE SURETY, THEY KILLED him NOT:         Quran (4:157)

                   {***This is not the mystery of the ages! A rational understanding can be achieved even though the doubters would detest it. By taking a real close look into the past, one can actually get a handle on what actually took place concerning the supposed crucifixion event.

We have at our disposal several indisputable facts that operate as clues to the puzzle. First, we know that the official acceptance of a crucified Jesus (pbh) was ascertained to occur around 148 AD through the auspices of the fancy philosopher/church father Justin Martyr.

Second, we know that before this time there were many competing ‘Christian-type sects’ declaring different things and outcomes of the dubious crucifixion scenario.

Thirdly, we know from the Quran that the former religious texts are not completely pure as they have had some type of alterations done on them.

Fourthly, these alterations seem to be minor in aspect which may or may not convey MAJOR shifts in understanding the text itself.

An example of textual manipulation is given below:

Let us say for example that the original text that was eventually  altered had written down that Jesus (pbh) WAS GOING UP THE HILL TO BE CRUCIFIED. That statement is historically correct!

However, in facing up to the many divergent sects claiming different outcomes from this event, the Roman Church, which was the eventual ‘sect-winner’ had to have a consistent policy on the life and times of its most famous central player who was Jesus (pbh). That makes sense because floating many different and often opposing theories concerning Jesus’ life would be highly counterproductive and make Rome look like a school of know nothing buffoons.




How? Well, IF one of the sides (the pro-crucifixion side) was to declare that original intent of the ORIGINAL TEXT was declare the actual crucifixion of Jesus (pbh), THEN WHAT IS THE HARM IN ALTERING THE TEXT TO MAKE THINGS MORE CLEAR? LIKE WRITING THE FOLLOWING: AND HE WENT UP THE HILL AND THEY CRUCIFIED HIM!

In this way one can kill two birds with one stone! Choice number 1 above fulfills that category. So, literally the newly ‘forged’ expression does two major things:

  1. It clarifies the position taken by the winning sect causing other unacceptable sects to be shown up as false!
  2. There is NO ACTUAL HARM DONE to these ‘holy records’ due to the fact that those who approved of the ‘change’ would see it not as a common piece of forgery (which it was) but ACTUALLY ENHANCING THE TRUTH WHICH THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR FAILED TO COMPLETELY DO!!!

If one goes to the Quran one can find, for example, statements such that the Quran declares that actual altered Testaments (by understanding the context of the Quran) do contain sensitive information that can be carefully gleaned from those texts showing the authenticity of the Prophethood of Muhammad (pbh): Quran (7:157):

“Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the Law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper {on the DAY that is the DAY that REALLY COUNTS FOR THE SOULS OF MANKIND}.” Q (7:157)

The upshot of all of this allows one to make excellent calculated assumptions  BASED ON REAL AND PROBABLE CONCRETE ACTIONS DONE IN THE PAST. So what has been stated makes a great deal of rational sense due to the understanding of the ‘repetitive’ nature of man’s corruptible activities.

The repetitive activities of man can be shown in many things. Times certainly change as we are always moving into the future but human foibles being what they are get repeated again and again. Sometimes a ‘new’ wrinkle is added on, but the modus operandi seems to be a constant.

What drives the people who do this? The answer has been stated many times in the various texts such that the ‘worldly’ will read the texts/and or Paul’s writings, for example, and completely be led astray by their own corruptible thought processes. And this idea is found in both the New Testament and Quran in very clear statements but those errant souls have no real feel for the ‘spiritual aspect’ of the religion and are therefore led astray as is clear from 2Peter (3:15-18) and other texts.

But the natural {worldly} man receives NOT the things of the Spirit of God: for they are FOOLISHNESS unto him: neither can he know them, because they are {only} spiritually discerned.                     1Corinthians (2:14) – Paul

For the {REAL} message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing {in their delusions}, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.  1Corinthians (1:18) – Paul

and, “A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they {would continuously} disobey the Wordand to this they were appointed {for before they were born}. 1Peter (2:8)

YOU HAVE MET THIS FATE because you rejoiced on the earth in things OTHER than the truth, AND THEN EXULTED IN IT.”                           Quran (40:75)

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness {found} in them that perish; because they did not receive {believe in or fight for} the love of the truth that they might be saved.

AND FOR THIS CAUSE {contempt for GOD’s TRUTH} GOD shall send {upon} them strong delusion that they should believe {in} a lie {focus not on doing what is right – the real food for the soul}:

That they all might be damned who didn’t believe the truth but had pleasure in {took their comfort in doing other than the truthfull WAY} unrighteousness.    2 Thessalonians (2: 10-12) – Paul.

And he {Jesus} shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to BOTH the houses of Israel,for a gin and for a snare {a trap} to the inhabitants of Jerusalem…                                         Prophet Isaiah (8:14-15)

So, what then are ‘they’ waiting for?:

And indeed WE have put forth every kind of example in this Qur’an, for mankind, but mankind is ever more quarrelsome than anything.

And NOTHING prevents men from believing, now when the guidance (the Qur’an) has come to them, and from asking Forgiveness of their LORD, EXCEPT that the ways of the ancients be repeated with them (i.e. their destruction is decreed by ALLAH) {and their dependency on their ‘advanced culture’, like in the ‘days of old‘, to save the day for them which it won’t!}, or the torment be brought to them face to face {due to their stubborn obstinacy in a laughable showdown against ALLAH}?

And WE send not the Messengers except as giver{s} of glad tidings and warners. But those who disbelieve {have disbelief in their hearts}, dispute with false argument in order to refute the truth thereby. And they treat MY Ayat (verses, proofs, evidences, lessons, SIGNS, REVELATIONS, etc.), and that with which they are warned, as a jest and mockery!

And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the Ayat (verses, proofs, evidences, lessons, SIGNS, REVELATIONS, etc.) of his LORD, but turns away from them forgetting what (deeds) his {OWN} hands have sent forth {from before him}. Truly, WE have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this (the Qur’an) {and its concepts}, and in their ears, deafness. And if you (O Muhammad) call them to guidance, even then they will never be guided.

And your LORD is Most Forgiving, Owner of Mercy {to bring a PERFECT and COMPLETE JUSTICE to ALL and to leave NO events unfulfilled as to what has been DECREED from before the foundations of the world}. Were HE to call them to account for what they have earned {at any arbitrary time}, then surely, HE would have hastened their punishment {and they would have been removed immediately and punished severely}. But they have {been given} their appointed time {to fulfill FOR HIS PURPOSES}, BEYOND WHICH THEY WILL FIND NO ESCAPE.     Quran (18:54-58)

The door is rapidly closing on that time so it would behoove the true devotees to open up their hearts and clear their minds as to what is essential for eternal life in the Realm Beyond:

“Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the Law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper {on the DAY that is the DAY that REALLY COUNTS FOR THE SOULS OF MANKIND}.” Q (7:157)