If religion is real and not fraudulent, then it must show consistency across the various so-called faiths that blatantly preach a ONE GOD FAITH. Failure to do this, means that GOD is more or less an invention amongst mankind as GOD would then appear, if HE is real, to be wishy-washy and unable to either control or run a somewhat complex universe properly.

So, let’s put it to the test! If we are not scholars (and scholars do at times confuse a lot of people needlessly), our tools must be simple but effective and they are the following: A rose by another name… Birds of a feather… and if it looks like a duck… Because the universe looks like a highway of infinite interconnected lines all meshed together for a deep purpose, then we will be able to see some of its logic in Divine Script, i.e. if GOD is WHO HE says HE is, and if the above premise is true.

Unfortunately, most people do not go by religious edicts in living their daily lives except in a very brief way. And this world is turning more and more confusing and challenging as the times increase. So, if man desires suicide, he seems to be on the right track.

My main study is in the claim that Jesus (pbh) was NOT crucified and in telling the truth of that matter which is, in fact, featured in all, not just one, but all of the Holy Books with, surprisingly most of the evidence coming from the New Testament. So one must ask oneself the following question concerning Jesus!

How did he die and who killed him? This, from the claimants’ point of view, must be answered! These things, however, cannot be answered by them in a logical waybecause they would be refuted by scripture (Old and New Testaments and the Quran).

It is true that one can say, “I believe that Jesus was crucified because that is the way I believe.” One can also say, “I believe that the Moon is made of green cheese because that is the way I choose to believe.” This is not very scientific, not very logical and not very intelligent. What it really is, is being nonsensical and unsustainable in an immature way of thinking, a kind of Dunning-Kruger effect’, leading to a condition known as ‘cognitive dissonance’ which turns out to be a very bad mental disease affecting the mind and thus the soul!

What is needed is an honest look at the subject rather than the usual prejudicial nonsense thrown up by frightened individuals more concerned with their own status amongst the community or group that they are living in or belonging to!

“He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time till at length it becomes habitual.” (Attributed to Thomas Jefferson). Liars don’t see facts. What they do is to adjust the so-called facts for devious purposes hoping to score some ‘vanity points’, gain popularity or make a splash in some bizarre fashion.

What makes the search for truth so difficult amongst the various religious groups is that most people are invested in their own belief system as to what supposedly makes them feel comfortable NOT specifically in what is really correct. But when people break outside their self-made prison walls, they are forced to think and this sometimes becomes too much of a struggle for many and that is part of the human conundrum or that what makes being human not only a challenge but an adventure.

As the Quran says: Say: “Everyone acts according to his own disposition {whispering secret agenda} but your LORD (WHO is the Real GOD) knows best who it is that is best on the WAY {correct pathway}.”   Q (17: 84):

Jesus said: “And in vain {do} they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men {and NOT of GOD}”.   Matthew (15:9)

They {so-called worshipers} take their priests and their anchorites {and religious leaders} to be their lords in derogation of ALLAH, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One ALLAH {GOD}: there is no god but HE. Praise and glory to HIM: (Far is HE) from having the partners they associate (with HIM).  Quran (9:31)

My three books (their titles shown below) go onto show religion in quite a different light than is generally presented:

Book #1: The Return of Jesus the King (An answer to Born Agains, Agnostics and Atheists)

Book #2: The Real Armageddon

Book #3: Original Sin: Life is a Marathon not a Sprint

And one member of this fraternity of Abrahamic Traditions, not sanctioned by many, concerns one Paul of Tarsus. Jesus (pbh), like Paul, has presented a real huge problem to those who would like to twist things to their own carnal interpretations. As it turns out, it is very peculiar, but true nevertheless, to state that Jesus (pbh) in a certain way is like Paul:

Both of those individuals brought controversy in their missionary journeys. Both have been loved and hated; Both of those individuals were Jews and not Christians; both have definitely been misunderstood by quite a few worshipers; and both of these men have been quoted out of context to prove, what in reality turned out to be corruption: Jesus looked at as more than a man and Paul looked at as developing a new religion called Christianity.

To the careful and cautious student of religion and true history these two concepts presented above are totally ridiculous. Jesus (pbh) didn’t become a manufactured ‘god’ overnight and Paul certainly did not proclaim Jesus (pbh) as being somehow god incarnate and neither of them could ever possibly be saddled with the launching a new religion – not according to a careful study of Scripture anyway.

Perhaps those, who in the past carried on blissfully about a god incarnate to help them with everything including growing their own vegetables, are being put to a severe test NOW as to whether they will end up swimming in their own filth or go to a more truthful belief system.

A chastised heart is a more willing heart if it indeed actually learns from previous events. And if ALLAH is the Most Merciful, which HE IS, then of course people will be given chances to right their ship so to speak instead of facing sure doom because they made a big mistake. The Grace Period for this event, in general anyway, is before the Sun (optically at least) reverses its course in the sky.

The Prime Directive, however, still stands first and foremost and that is:

Let there be no compulsion in Religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in ALLAH {GOD} has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And ALLAH Hears and Knows all things.  Quran (2:256)

All of this sounds very hypothetical but no matter how one turns it, there is always the door of Mercy and Forgiveness offered to one who is truly a seeker after truth. We can get this idea from what Paul had stated (as well as others including the prophets) in that certain souls, for reasons known only to GOD, have that predestined surge to see or feel the truth and to desire it.

For those GOD Foreknew, HE also predestined to be conformed to the image of HIS son{chosen servant – the Messiah as to being sons of Adam}, so that he {the Christ-soul}would be the firstborn among many brothers {and thus he became that SIGN to mankind}. Romans (8:29)

It is HE who created you {O mankind} from one soul {Adam} and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. And when it becomes heavy, they both invoke ALLAH their LORD, “If YOU should give us a good (child), we will surely be among the grateful.”  Quran (7:189)

The similitude of Jesus before ALLAH is as that of Adam; HE created him from dust, then said to him: “Be”. And he was. Quran (3:59)

Abu Hurairah said that the Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) said: “When ALLAH created Adam HE wiped his back and every person that HE created among his offspring until the Day of Resurrection fell out of his back. HE placed a ray of light between the eyes of every person. Then HE showed them to Adam and he (Adam) said: ‘O LORD! Who are these people?’ HE said: ‘These are your offspring.’ He (Adam) saw one of them whose ray between his eyes amazed him, so he (Adam) said: ‘O LORD! Who is this?’ HE said: ‘This is a man from the latter nations of your offspring called Dawud {David}.’ He (Adam) said: ‘LORD! How long did YOU make his lifespan?’ HE said: ‘Sixty years.’ He (Adam) said: ‘O LORD! Add forty years from my life to his.’ So at the end of Adam’s life, the Angel of death came to him, and he (Adam) said: ‘Do I not have forty years remaining?’ He (the Angel of death) said: ‘Did you not give them to your son Dawud {David}?'” He (the Messenger of ALLAH) said: “Adam denied, so his offspring denied, and Adam forgot and his offspring forgot, and Adam sinned, so his offspring sinned.”   (Jami’at-Tirmidhi)

So, Paul is suggesting in this verse (Romans 8:29) that there is a contest between Satan and the ONE GOD which is laughable in itself in that GOD wins all the time, every time and that Satan is going to get only those souls marked off by THE CREATOR HIMSELF through HIS KNOWLEDGE.

We will find that concept in Islam as Satan grovels before GOD and asks permission to battle with the hearts of men. He is given the go-ahead but will only get what has been marked off by ALLAH showing that ALLAH is in full control of all things: past, present and future. We also have an indication of this in hadith form when Satan believes he has certain souls corralled but towards the end of their lives, he loses them as well as feeling he can’t have some other souls but at the end they drop to him.

No authority has he (Satan) over those who believe and put their trust in their LORD.

His (Satan’s) authority is over those only who take him as a patron {by their criminal acts}and {those} who join partners with ALLAH.   Quran (16:99-100)

(Iblis) Satan said: “O my LORD! Give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised.”

(ALLAH) said: “Respite is granted to you –

“Till the Day of the Time Appointed {by ME}.

(Iblis) said: “O my LORD! Because YOU have put me in the wrong {an obvious lie}, I will make (the wrong things) fair-seeming to them on the earth and I will put them all in the wrong.

*Except YOUR chosen servants among them.

(ALLAH) said: “This is for ME a Straight Path.

“For over MY servants no authority shall you have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow you.”  Quran (15:36-42)

{*Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) said, “Verily, the believer can wear out his devils {through the remembrance of ALLAH by dhikr} just as one of you exhausts his camel on a journey.”  (Musnad Aḥmad)

Mu’adh bin Jabaal said that the Messenger of ALLAH said, “Shall I not inform you of the best of your deeds, and the purest of them with your MASTER (ALLAH) and the loftiest of them in your degrees? It is a deed better for you than spending your gold and silver (in charity) and better for you than you meeting your enemy and you striking their necks and them striking your necks.” The Companions said, “Of course, O Messenger of ALLAH!” He said, “The Remembrance of ALLAH.”                                      (Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)}


The above people are called ‘the Mufarridoon’ people in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah and they are they who remember ALLAH a lot!  (Muslim)


This proves Satan is a flop and that he has no control of things or else his threat to take down humanity would surely come about. Therefore, when one says ALLAH is THE ALL POWERFUL, it means at ALL TIMES and in ALL PLACES and in ALL CONDITIONS and not according to our whims or limited knowledge. Because we, as humans, are so limited and can’t understand with total depth these concepts, we need to make our times fruitful in remembrance of the ONE WHO gave us life.

Paul as it turns out was definitely no saint but he did have very special insights as to what was true and what was fiction. I would compare him in only a certain number of ways to Abdulsalam a famous Companion of Prophet Muhammad (pbh). Once Paul got on track, he became what ALLAH wanted him to be as to voicing his ‘peculiar’ approach to accepting Jesus before things, as prophesied, would go sour!

And sour things went! Just like Earth’s history shows when some new idea/way gets hatched. It isn’t long before ‘entropy’ sets in and one doesn’t need prophetic knowledge to understand that principle as it has been repeated constantly throughout Earth’s history.

Anyway, when Paul can be understood in context, he does provide a type of mystical or spiritual awareness of the Christ soul and of spiritualism when discussing the notion of Promise and a type of Predestination**. Along with his fellow compatriot, Barnabas (the Book of Hebrews), they provided some interesting but very complex details about the Christ-soul.

{**The concept of predestination has caused some philosophers to lose their way. The similitude of this concept is that of a peanut farmer. The farmer knows what is on the outside of the peanut shell because he can see the shell (the Seen). However, he doesn’t know for certain what is inside the shell (the Unseen). And so it is when one enters the very dangerous topic of the Unseen.

The outside of the shell as it were is covered in the Quranic verse (33:72).

 Truly, WE did offer Al-Amaanah (the Trust or moral responsibility and ALL the duties which ALLAH ordained {on the ‘vicegerents’ as leading spirits before they were going to enter into the flesh} to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains but they declined to bear it and were AFRAID of it {the challenge and responsibility that would lead to accountability}. But MANKIND bore it {took on the challenge}. Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and {quite} ignorant {of its consequences that he would have to bear}.  Quran (33:72)

The Quran, for example, also covers man’s duty as it applies to the ‘inner area’ as far as men can safely comprehend and that is found in Quran (2:136 and 4:136 – see verses below)}.

We don’t have to know these complexities for salvation to take place, however!!! The only reason to discuss them is to show a unity of thought through the Abrahamic Traditions (the 3 Monotheistic Religions) as well as to breakdown artificial barriers that inhibit men from seeing the unity and development of the Pathway to Paradise laid out in these religions with the express notion that Islam becomes the Crowning Glory in Christ’s kingdom on Earth – as prophesied!

This further leads to the notion that ALLAH is in charge of all things! How? By the complexity of moving everything in its proper position to receive its proper due at the times deemed proper is too complex for any human to conceive.

Yet the ONE GOD managed to hit on all cylinders, as they say, even when the correct alignments for these things appear to be infinite and beyond comprehension. Such is the Power and Majesty of the ONE GOD WHO in truth is far, far above the concepts that man can imagine!

Words of wisdom from Paul:

Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many {meaning multiple pathways or ideas featuring vast but radically different conceptsbut as in the one guided way now known as the Abrahamic Line}, but as of one {directed WAY (Monotheism)}, “And to your Seed {the true followers of this man Jesus or his Ummah},” who is Christ.  Galatians (3:16)

And you are sons of the prophets and of the Covenant {if you are believers in truth} GOD made with your fathers when HE said to Abraham, ‘Through your offspring {Ishmael and Isaac (peace be upon them both)} all the families {of True Faith} of the earth will be blessed.’  Found in Acts (3:25) and covered in the Old Testament. This of course must include the Gentiles who are defined as non-Jews as there are only two kinds of people by scriptural definition in this world – Jews and non-Jews!

And if you are Christ’s {that is if you are true believers in the heart and not just by the mouth}, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the Promise {GIVEN BY THE ONE GOD HIMSELF}. Galatians (3:29)

So it is not the children of the flesh {meaning just any human that is born} who are GOD’s children {favored, created souls}, but it is {only} the children of the Promise who are regarded as offspring {one from the other or those (who are classified as the True Believers) who shall inherit Eternal Happiness in Paradise}.   Romans (9:8)

Indeed, ALLAH chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of ‘Imran over the worlds    Quran (3:33)

‘Ali reported that one day ALLAH’s Messenger (pbh) was sitting with a wood in his hand and he was scratching the ground. He raised his head and said: There is not one amongst you who has not been allotted his seat in Paradise or Hell. They said: ALLAH’s Messenger then why should we perform good deeds, why not depend upon our destiny? Thereupon he said. No, do perform good deeds, for everyone is facilitated in that for which he has been created; then he recited this verse: Then, who gives to the needy and guards against evil and accepts the excellent (the truth of Islam and the path of righteousness it prescribes), WE shall make easy for him the easy end. But as for him who is stingy and complacent and denies goodness. WE will ease his way towards difficulty. And his money {positon/power} will not avail him when he plummets {towards the Fires of Hell}. It is upon US to guide. Quran (92:5-12) (Muslim)

A’isha reported that ALLAH’s Messenger (pbh) said: “Observe moderation (in doing deeds), and if you fail to observe it perfectly, try to do as much as you can do (to live up to this ideal of moderation) and be happy for none would be able to get into Paradise because of his deeds alone. They (the Companions of the Holy Prophet) said: ALLAH’s Messenger, not even you? Thereupon he said: Not even I, but that ALLAH wraps me in HIS Mercy, and bear this in mind that the deed loved most by ALLAH is one which is done constantly even though it is small.  (Muslim)

ALLAH! There is no god but HE – the Ever Living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal. No slumber can seize HIM or sleep. HIS are all the things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there that can intercede in HIS presence except as HE permits? HE knows what (appears to HIS creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they encompass anything of HIS Knowledge except as HE Wills. His THRONE does extend over the heavens and on earth, and HE feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, for HE is the MOST HIGH, The SUPREME in GLORY).   Quran (2:55)

The key to understanding the Abrahamic Faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) comes from Quran (4:136), Quran (2:136), Quran (2:62) and Quran (2:121):

O you who believe! Believe in ALLAH and HIS Messenger {Muhammad}, and the scripture which HE has sent to HIS Messenger {Muhammad} and the scripture which HE sent to those before (him). Any who deny ALLAH, HIS Angels, HIS Books, HIS Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, has gone far, far astray   Quran (4:136) and

We {people who actually believe in a ONE GOD AND ONE DEVELOPMENTAL MESSAGE} believe in ALLAH, and the Revelation given to us, and to Abraham {and his seed} Isma’il {and} Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their LORD: We make no difference between one and another of them {in their philosophical content}.                                      Quran (2:136)

The keys to success: Those who believe (in the Quran) and those who follow {in earnestand NOT for show but in TRUTH} the Jewish (scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians {and} any who believe in ALLAH and the Last Day and work righteousness shall have their reward with their LORD {and} on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.  Q (2: 62)

Those {Various Peoples} to whom WE have sent the BOOK study it as it should be studied {with meaning, intent, vocalization, as a Guide and as a Remembrance as they shall pass on knowledge to keep the flame of truth alive and interest in the future-life well-watered from the spring of life}: They are the ones that believe therein: Those who reject faith {and pay no heed to it – to these life giving spiritual waters} therein, the loss is their own {by their own hands}.  Q (2: 121)

Because of the Quran’s claim to be Totally Pure without defect, and because the Quran is acknowledged to remain Pure until it is finally taken up from the Earth (hadith literature), the above verses (Quran (4:136, 2:136, 2:62 and 2:121) must be totally legitimate. If so, this leads one to adapting to the idea that the other texts must contain a great deal of truthful evidence and that this evidence depends more on interpretation than corruptible dissemination (see Quran 9:31 – above).