The use of the symbols { } are for the purpose of enhancing clarification of the text.
Is what I said in my last article, “Man Is His Own Worst Enemy” about the Christ soul coming at various times in history on an errand from ALLAH an article of faith? No! it is DEFINITELY NOT an article of faith. Rather it is an understanding or an opening up of some of the mysteries found in the New Testament whereby some people have wrongly tried to take certain verses from these books of the New Testament and apply Divinity of sorts to a man, though a highly honored man, called Jesus the son of Mary (pbh) or forever known as Isa bin Miriam!
And with the opening up of this knowledge comes the thought that the Last Day is at hand (within several decades, Insha ALLAH) when supposedly ‘new and wondrous things’ are brought forth.
But you O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel (12: 4).
Yes, but also there opens up a more serious look at UNITY between the Abrahamic Faiths, if that would be accepted, with the awareness that the Last Messenger and the Last Message takes precedence over what went on before. A golden chance for mankind to have the dust fall from their eyes and acknowledge the superiority and reality of True Faith.
From the article “Man Is His Own Worst Enemy”
‘The end result is as always placed in the hands of ALLAH but mankind can get a glimmer of unity of the records as they are ONE in intent! What makes these records (Holy Books) disjointed is the corruption found on paper stemming from the corruption found in men’s hearts! Nevertheless, those who search the records in truth can still get a ‘unified picture’ of the tales of the Oneness of Faith.
Those to whom WE have given the BOOK study {and practice} it as it should be studied {and practiced}: they are the ones that believe therein: those who reject faith therein, the loss is their own.’ Q (2: 121)
And this is for those who care about truth and have a heart for it but for those who don’t care, i.e. they want to plod along in their vain desire to be left alone or those who would value their self-imposed opinions above any others without reason or logic or yet those who only acknowledge what is with them and refuse, even in the basic sense, what is with others are really ‘poor’ in good manners and their wisdom has not reached a deeper understanding about the oneness of the brotherhood of mankind in a certain sense or the reality of the Hereafter!
Even worse are those who deny the complete body of Messengers sent to mankind and prefer their own version of religion above their sent prophet (s). Such as the Jews and Christians who prefer their own life style ABOVE what was actually given to them or commanded from them.
They say; “become Jews or Christians if you would be guided (to salvation).” Say; “NO! (I would rather) the religion of Abraham the TRUE {TRUTHFUL} and he did not join gods with ALLAH.
Say: “We believe in ALLAH and the revelation given to us and {the revelation} given to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to (ALL) Prophets from their LORD: We do not make any difference between them {as to them being the bearers of TRUTH} and we submit to ALLAH.
So if they believe as you believe {in the criterion mentioned above} they are truly on the Right Pathway; but if they turn back {to a partial, corrupted belief system}, it is they themselves who are in schism; but ALLAH will suffice you as against them and HE is the ALL-HEARING, the ALL-KNOWING. Q (2: 135-137)
From the article “A Veil of Tears”
‘The problem with much of Christian belief {and even false Islamic sectarian beliefs} is that the practical has been subverted by the philosophical-mystical-gnostic-type writings that have been wrongly interpreted by the ‘doctrine makers’ many centuries ago and that appeal to the primitive mindset that falls in love with lucky charms and supernatural heroes’.
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet (pbh) said, “You would tread the same path {do the same actions as the other peoples have done} as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of a Dhab (a desert lizard), you will enter {it} too. We said: O Messenger of Allah, do you mean the Jews and Christians? He {the Prophet} said: Who else? (Muslim)
From the article “A Veil of Tears”
‘So, in this understanding, Jesus the son of Mary (pbh) is a kind of collector to bring in those who are destined to find salvation from ALLAH***. So that makes him more of a shepherd to many flocks and that can go back to whenever that goes back to according to the WILL of ALLAH – both past and future! That is, he shall lead them into this blessed kingdom by establishing the completed WAY or ISLAM and his name is and will forever be known as Isa bin Miriam as to the ‘Language of Paradise’ discussed by ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father {the ONE AND ONLY GOD} except through me’. John (14: 6)
But what is to be looked upon as TRUE FAITH versus just interesting tidbits that may or may not be true? So, by grabbing and adopting the following true values, one can be grounded on the firm pathway of THE WAY or the real religion as in true guidance. The following hadith is the explanation of the core of true religion!
Umar ibn Al-Khattab reported: We were sitting with the Messenger of ALLAH, peace and blessings be upon him, one day when a man appeared with very white clothes and very black hair. There were no signs of travel on him and we did not recognize him. He sat down in front of the Prophet and rested his knees by his knees and placed his hands on his thighs. The man said, “O Muhammad, tell me about ISLAM.” The Prophet said, “Islam is to testify there is NO GOD but ALLAH {HIS QUALITIES ARE UNIQUE TO HIM AND HIM ALONE} and Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH {TO FOLLOW AND DESIRE TO FOLLOW MUHAMMAD’S SUNNAH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WITH A WILLING AND HUMBLE HEART}, to establish prayer, to give charity, to fast the month of Ramadan, and to perform pilgrimage to the House if possible.” The man said, “You have spoken truthfully.” We were surprised that he asked him and then said he was truthful. He said, “Tell me about FAITH.” The Prophet said, “FAITH is to believe in ALLAH, HIS Angels, HIS Books, HIS Messengers, the Last Day, and to believe in providence {The Divine Decree (Divine Destiny)} both its good and its bad.” The man said, “You have spoken truthfully. So tell me about excellence.” The Prophet said, “Excellence is to worship ALLAH as if you see HIM, for you do not see HIM but HE certainly sees you.” The man said, “Tell me about the final hour.” The Prophet said, “The one being asked does not know more than who is asking.” The man said, “Tell me about its signs.” The Prophet said, “The servant girl will give birth to her mistress and you will see barefoot, naked, and destitute shepherds compete in constructing tall buildings.” Then the man returned and I remained. The Prophet said to me, “O Umar, do you know who he was?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet said, “Verily, he was Archangel Gabriel who came to teach you your religion.” (Muslim)
When talking about the Christ soul, some may object to introducing a ‘strange element’ into the religion from the New Testament. Truly, I would call this a type of discussion ‘conjecture’ used in a narrow sense when speaking about one soul and that soul is the Christ soul. Other people may make broad sweeping conjectures but that is not found directly in these writings.
An advantage from these writings should be apparent and that is the various scriptures are NOT mauled or beaten down to a pulp rendering them mostly false. On the other hand, what is found in these writings are statements that a person who uses Comparative Religion can show a type of harmony and a goodness of fit while expressing that THE RECORDS ARE ONE!
For example, one can take the Non-crucifixion case. What has been resurrected from the heap of misuse and mismanagement is the ‘truth’ showing that the ‘Records’ declare, along with history, that Jesus the son of Mary (pbh) was NEITHER CRUCIFIED NOR WAS HE ON THE CROSS!
It is how one looks at the records that matters. The telltale evidence from, Peter’s disciple/secretary to Justin Martyr’s behavior concerning the so-called crucifixion combined with the Biblical and Quranic declaration as used by myself, refuting the idea of Jesus (pbh) being crucified and killed, gives strong evidence that the crucifixion and its related doctrines are baseless!
Source: adapted and adjusted from the book “HE Is Not My Ancestor”
… “O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge.” Quran (20: 114)
The Quran directs man not only to ponder over the creation but also to seek out knowledge. Seeking out rightful knowledge helps the believer to do several things: 1. His faith becomes stronger as well as his belief in the qualities of Allah. 2. He becomes more acute to the accountability and praise for Allah. 3. He is in a position to earn greater rewards from Allah (Allah Willing). 4. Because he is stronger in awareness, he is less likely to be taken in by ‘wonders and deviant notions’. 5. Upon his death all rewards cease except in three cases and one of these is the passing on of knowledge that may help his fellow man to see things more clearly.
However, knowledge in Islam is not willy-nilly or just any kind of knowledge. It must be used correctly and or applied correctly. It is good to have a debate on the purpose of knowledge and the correct application of the same so that certain misunderstandings, when they arise, can be put in a proper perspective. It is with this idea in mind that I turn to Sayyid Maududi’s work, The Meaning of the Quran.
Knowledge comes in many forms and has many faces. Some of these faces are in the areas of conjecture and suppositions as well as in the science of passing on meanings of the verses of the Quran, the sayings of the Prophet (pbh) and their meanings and comparative religion showing His {ALLAH’s} Oneness and Completeness. Knowledge is akin to truth and so can be used to uplift, enlighten, prepare and explain. Knowledge has to be channeled so that it can do the above things. Therefore, correct knowledge and the use thereof should have its basis in Islam and not philosophical ideology.
What is forbidden is not conjecture as such but excessive conjecture and following every kind of conjecture, and the reason given is that some conjectures are sins. In order to understand this Command we should analyze and see what are the kinds of conjecture and what is the moral position of each? One kind of conjecture is that which is morally approved and laudable, and desirable and praiseworthy from a religious point of view, e.g. a good conjecture in respect to Allah and His Messenger and the believers and those people with whom one comes in common contact daily and concerning whom there may be no rational ground for having an evil conjecture.
The second kind of conjecture is that which one cannot do without in practical life, e.g. in a law court a judge has to consider the evidence placed before him and give his decision on the basis of the most probable conjecture, for he cannot have direct knowledge of the facts of the matter, and the opinion that is based on evidence is mostly based on the most probable conjecture and not on certainty…
The third kind of conjecture, which is although a suspicion is permissible in nature and it cannot be regarded as a sin. For instance, if there are clear signs and pointers in the character of a person (or persons), or in his dealings and conduct, on the basis of which he may not deserve to enjoy one’s good conjecture, and there are rational grounds for having suspicions against him, the Sharia does not demand that one should behave like a simpleton and continue to have a good conjecture about him….
The fourth kind of conjecture which is, in fact, a sin is that one should entertain a suspicion in respect of a person without any ground, or should start with a suspicion in forming an opinion about others, or should entertain a suspicion about the people whose apparent conditions show that they are good and noble…
This analysis makes it plain that conjecture by itself is not anything forbidden; rather in some situations inevitable, in some permissible up to a certain extent and un-permissible beyond it, and in some cases absolutely unlawful. That is why it has not been enjoined that one should refrain from conjecture or suspicion altogether but what is enjoined is that one should refrain from much suspicion. Then, to make the intention of the Command explicit, it has been said that some conjectures are sinful.
From this warning it follows automatically that whenever a person is forming an opinion on the basis of conjecture, or is about to take an action, he should examine the case and see whether the conjecture he is entertaining is not a sin, whether the conjecture is really necessary, whether there are sound reasons for the conjecture, and whether the conduct one is adopting on the basis of the conjecture is permissible.
Everyone who fears God will certainly take these precautions. To make one’s conjecture free and independent of every such care and consideration is the pastime of only those people who are fearless of God and thoughtless of the accountability of the Hereafter. (Taken from The Meaning of the Quran, note # 24 pp. 105-107 vol. XIII, Surah AL-Hujurat, verse 12)
Here the Quran is warning man of an important truth. To judge or make an estimate on the basis of conjecture and speculation in the ordinary matters of worldly life may be useful to some extent, although it would be no substitute for knowledge, but it would be disastrous to make estimates and give judgments merely according to one’s own conjectures and speculations in a question of such fundamental nature and importance as whether we are, or are not, responsible and accountable to anyone for the deeds and actions of our lifetime, and if we are, to whom we are accountable, when and what shall be the accountability, and what will be the consequences of our success and failure in that accountability.
This is not a question on which man may form an estimate merely according to his conjecture and speculation and then stake his entire life-capital on the gamble. For if the conjecture proves to be wrong, it would mean that the man has doomed himself to utter ruin. Furthermore, this question is not at all included among those questions about which one may form a right opinion by the exercise of analogy and conjecture – for conjecture and analogy can work only in those matters which are perceptible for man, whereas this is a question which does not come under perception in any way. Therefore, it is not at all possible that a conjectural and analogical judgment about it may be right and correct.
As for the question: What is the right way for man to form an opinion about the matters which are non-perceptible and incomprehensible in nature? This has been answered at many places in the Quran, and from this Surah also the same answer becomes obvious, and it is this: (1) Man himself cannot reach the reality directly; (2) Allah gives the knowledge of the reality through His Prophets; and (3) man can ascertain the truth of that knowledge in this way: He should study deeply the countless signs that are found in the earth and heavens and in his own self, then consider seriously and impartially whether those signs testify to the reality that the Prophet has presented, or to the different ideologies that the other people have presented in this regard. This is the only method of scientific investigation about God and the Hereafter that has been taught in the Quran. Doomed would be the one who discarded this method and followed his own analogies and conjectures. (Taken from The Meaning of the Quran, note # 8 pp. 163-164 vol. XIII, Surah AZ-Zariyat, verse 10)
This verse forbids people to ask useless and unnecessary questions because some people used to put such questions to the Holy Prophet as were of no practical good for mundane affairs nor for spiritual up-lift. For example, once a certain person while sitting in a gathering asked, “Who is my real father?” Likewise, sometimes, some people put unnecessary questions concerning legal matters so as to get these defined, whereas they had been purposely kept undefined for the good of the people. For example, Hajj was made obligatory by a commandment without specifying whether it was to be performed every year or not. When a certain person heard it, he instantly asked, “Has it been made obligatory to perform Hajj every Year?” the Holy Prophet did not make any reply. The man repeated the question, but he again kept quiet. When the man put the question for the third time, the Holy Prophet replied, “Woe to you! If I had said: “Yes‟, the performance of Hajj every year would have become obligatory and the people like you would have been unable to perform it and been guilty of disobedience.”
The Holy Prophet himself forbade people to ask questions for the sake of asking questions and to probe into things aimlessly. In a Tradition he warned, “The worst offender against the Muslims is the person who asked a question about something that had not been made unlawful but was made so because of his question.” In another Tradition he said, “Allah has prescribed some obligatory duties for you; let not these go unfulfilled and He has made certain things unlawful, do not go near them. He has prescribed certain limits {so} do not transgress them. He has been silent concerning certain things, but not because He has forgotten them; so do not try to probe into such things.” (Taken from The Meaning of the Quran note # 116 p. 76 vol. V, Surah AL-Ma’idah, verse 101)
If Islam is under attack, directly or indirectly, from any area including science, politics, from those who are called “People of the Book‟, or from malicious individuals, then it is incumbent upon those who can to stand up for what is right and to come to the defense of what is just. There is no question that human beings are only human beings and that human beings are not perfect as they make mistakes in both actions and deeds. However, to shove all things towards Allah and have the express notion that it is only up to Him to extricate the situation is a grave mistake. It is like the Jews of old who said:
They said: “O Moses! We shall never enter it (the holy land) as long as they are in it. Go thou, and your Lord, and fight both of you while we sit here. He (Moses) said: “O my Lord! I have power only over myself and my brother: So separate us from this rebellious people!” Allah said: “Therefore will the land be out of their reach for forty years: In distraction will they wander through the land: But do not sorrow over these rebellious people. Quran (5: 24-26)
The ‘meat and potatoes’ of the issue at hand can be summed up by the following precepts:
- 1. The Holy Prophet himself forbade people to ask questions for the sake of asking questions and to probe into things aimlessly {continuously without reason, true purpose or intent}.
- 2. In another Tradition he said, “Allah has prescribed some obligatory duties for you; let not these go unfulfilled and He has made certain things unlawful, do not go near them. He has prescribed certain limits {so} do not transgress them. He has been silent concerning certain things, but not because He has forgotten them; so do not try to probe into such things.”
- 3. If Islam is under attack, directly or indirectly, from any area including science, politics, from those who are called “People of the Book‟, or from malicious individuals, then it is incumbent upon those who can to stand up for what is right and to come to the defense of what is just.
Under the above circumstances and the belief that this age of man has come nearly to a close and that ALLAH WILLING the return of the true Messiah is within decades (of which ONLY ALLAH KNOWS FOR SURE), it is, to me at least, relevant to find an understandable common ground between the Abrahamic Faiths in order to set forth a concrete proof in the conclusion that ISLAM and the FINAL MESSENGER MUHAMMAD (pbh) SHOULD BE SOUGHT OUT, BELIEVED IN AND FOLLOWED WITH A DETERMINED AND COMPLETE CONSCIENCE by those who call themselves Muslims and by those who desire Truth above man-made fiction.
In this way, it is hoped that a ‘RETURN’ of the souls to their rightful ‘home’ or the awakening of such will draw these souls to that House in the Hebrew Language called ISRAEL or to what the New Testament calls THE WAY in its own language or simply in Arabic called ISLAM, the RELIGION OF TRUTH!
The religion before ALLAH is ISLAM (submission to HIS WILL): nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other after Knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the SIGNS of ALLAH, ALLAH is swift in calling to account. Q (3: 19)
If anyone desires a religion other than ISLAM (submission to ALLAH) never will it be accepted from him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of the losers. Q (3: 85)
The Prophet Muhammad (pbh) said: “The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.” (Al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
The Prophet Muhammad (pbh) said: “One who treads a path in search of knowledge has his path to Paradise made easy by God…” (Riyadh us-Saleheen)
The Prophet Muhammad (pbh) said: “GOD, HIS angels and all those in the Heavens and on Earth, even ants in their hills and fish in the water, call down blessings on those who instruct others in beneficial knowledge {not just knowledge for knowledge sake}.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
The Prophet also said: “Acquire knowledge and impart it to the people.” (Al-Tirmidhi)