According to George Santayana: “Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.”

Satan and his type of gang members are angry because, in his mind, he still is on the old kick of being better than the spirits being put inside a clay outer structure (the human body, namely meaning us). And because the human, in the beginning was placed above his kind, although housed in what would appear to be an inferior shell (the human body), he is full of blinded arrogance and dislike for the human race.  Why?

For he was ordered to prostrate to mankind! And we can see that display of power being played out in ancient and modern times, although the human mind can’t seem to come to grips with certain concepts beyond man’s mental agility or lack thereof.

What is keeping man from being overwhelmed and totally terminated in these devilish minds is the ONE GOD WHO is the CREATOR of all and the DISPOSER of ALL AFFAIRS. WE humans can’t grasp the concepts very well and are like boats adrift at sea. However, a real faith and a commitment to understanding the DOMINANCE of ALLAH will get anyone through the hard times painful as they may be.

For example, the swift and rapid fall of the ugly regime in Syria was brought about not by man’s thinking but by ALLAH’s PLAN so that things will proceed according to what HE DESIRES and when HE desires it to be used as a showcase for the Last Day of Judgment.

Mankind was but Spirit once and the Jinn, who were made of smokeless fire, had recourse to some amazing things the ‘spirit of GOD’ did not. The Jinn liked being near the angels so they could steal a reading from on HIGH.

So our story begins with one of the leading Jinn (Satan) who kind of hung around angelic beings and snooped into things that were not his business. He had a capacity to see RUH ALLAH or the Spirit of GOD doing counterintuitive things.

However, when he sensed that his CREATOR was going to make an image and breathe that Spirit into the clay form (man’s image), he finally got the chance to explore this ‘lifeless clay statue’ which today we call our bodies. But Satan was full of arrogance and he decided after inspecting this lifeless statue-type creature, EVEN THOUGH CREATED BY THE HANDS OF his MAKER, decided to enter into this empty man-like form.

It was empty or hollow because the RUH of ALLAH or Spirit of GOD had not yet been placed therein. So Satan felt that this soon to be created form which he saw as being definitely inferior to himself was going to be easily controlled.

Satan declared in pride and triumph that anything he could enter and exit wasn’t worth the hubbub that it was going to get the first jump (he could listen in on the ‘High Councils’ of special Angels and caught some idea of GOD’s possible future plans as to making this creation a dynamic leader of sorts) and decided then and there that he was much better than this GOD-MADE creation who was going to be appointed as a vicegerent over the creation on Earth.

(Iblis) said: “I am better than he {Adam}: YOU created me from fire, and him YOU created from clay.” Quran (38:76)

So that led to Satan’s downfall (his arrogance) even though what historically follows seems to suggest that these creatures are far superior to clay-based creatures (man) due to their technological prowess.

Man has reported at various times to see strange lights come from under the ground and in a mist, form some kind of flying craft and fly away and have become awed by the ability of some of these crafts to do supernatural, strange maneuverings that tend to leave man speechless concerning this type of ‘superior technology’. And these things have been well documented to occur over and over again with the result that some amongst men have become like dogs going round and round chasing after a tail that they can’t quite seem to catch specifically in trying to pin-down what these objects are and who are controlling them.

Who said that man was inferior to these creatures? Is strength measured only by muscle, money or technology? What a shallow and immature way of looking at the big picture! The Last Day of Judgment is not based on such a low-life type of criterion!

After reading the written piece by this author called Understanding Flying Saucers Using Occam’s Razor, one can get a small picture of what is really going on. However, a lot of people want to be titillated by their own fantasies and ‘I can’t believe that this is happening’ type of feeling! Hence, the confusion over these entities and their flying machines.

Bank on this however – But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into ALLthe truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John (16:13)

So we start with the claimed Christian scripture and take the word ALL to mean everything that is important concerning man, his environment and the world that surrounds him including the heavens and yes, even so-called flying saucers. We already know who that Spirit of truth is by looking at the topic objectively and fairly and with a type of completeness that that passage demands. Otherwise, it becomes meaningless!

The Spirit of truth is none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbh) and a careful look into the Quran and approved hadith material will give mankind the proper guidance and bedrock material needed in order to understand the basics of what is sought! Prophet Muhammad (pbh) being only a man but a man who is at the pinnacle of success of all the created creatures of GOD:

WE {ALLAH} did not send you {O Muhammad}, but as a Mercy for ALL creatures.                  Quran (21:107)

This desert Arab which was his outer shell (physical body) is given quite the distinction by the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE. He has been promised a GRAND STATION OF BEING – the (Al-Maqam Al-Mahmud):

Al-Maqam Al-Mahmud about which ALLAH said: It may be that your LORD will raise you to Maqaman-Mahmud {the HIGHEST STATION that any created creature can attain to} Quran (17:79).


HE is also not answerable to anyone except HIMSELF and there is none who can dispute with HIM! So, we can’t expect an undistinguished human to even a glorified one like Jesus (pbh) to understand and fully comprehend GOD’s WAYS. Even the august Mohammed (pbh) has not as of this writing been able to see the vision of GOD as HE really is!

So, we are left with the Prophet’s words (correct hadiths) and ALLAH’s WORD (the Quran) and that should be totally sufficient. In this case it really is as it forms a basis of common sense!!!

Yes, the Jinn have certain powers as well as various levels from the retarded ones to the highly advanced ones like the human race does (Einstein to the retarded) and they, the Jinn, have certain rights granted to them as a created species. But the evil ones would like to rule the day but are boxed in by powerful angels who by Command protect the human or not protect him to various degrees on what has been sent forward by that soul.

Otherwise there would be no fairness and no honest ‘return on investment’ for the human soul in ALLAH’s PERFECT SYSTEM OF JUSTICE!

In brief, here is what we can surmise:

The Jinn are like men in that they are a varied group. Some believe in ALLAH while others believe in whatever they feel like. The bad ones lie in wait for their victims and plan what they have to plan. But like with men their plans are well known beforehand and are met with varied weighted responses to balance out the equation of ‘PERFECT JUSTICE’:

As Paul has declared: Whatever a man sows that shall he reap – no more and no less! For ALLAH is the MOST PERFECT GUARDIAN RULER that is and complete justice and fairness are HIS hallmarks.

Behold! WE said to the angels, “Prostrate to adam”: they all prostrated except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns and he disobeyed his LORD. Will you then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than ME? And they {these Satans of varied casts} are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrong-doers!

I called them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, not even their own creation: Nor is it for ME to take such helpers as lead men astray!                 Quran (18:50-51)

Now the careless Jinn can’t fathom why they, with all their superiority, can’t rule the proverbial roost beneath the angels of course. These Jinn can be clever but also spiritually retarded like their human counter-parts and so are misled like their human counter-parts to do stupid things.

Now let’s see how this story fits the Creation of man’s structure or body narrative as found in hadith material!

Satan, the chief Jinn, upon exiting the body meant for Adam replied that anything he could enter and exit was to be an inferior object and thus he was better than that clay image which as yet had no soul placed in it.

Anas said that the Prophet said, “When ALLAH created Adam in the heaven, HE left him (in the form HE created him) as long as HE desired to leave him in that condition. (Out of curiosity), Satan started to go round Adam looking at him. Once he saw that Adam had a hollow body, he realized that he {this Adam} is a weak creature.” Muslim

What he banked upon was that he could command this creature in certain ways showing his disdain for it and to show its CREATOR that he was above it as being much better than this clumsy attempt by his own CREATOR. And thusly he was cursed so he begged GOD to give him a chance to ruin GOD’s HANDIWORK but the arrogant fool overstepped his station and was cursed a mighty curse by THE GOD OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH!

WE created {the image of} man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape {for a set purpose};

And the Jinn race, WE had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.

Behold! Your LORD said to the angels: “I am about to create man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape;

When I have finished him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of MY SPIRIT, {you all} fall down in homage unto him.”

So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them altogether:

Not so {one of the leading Jinn} Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves {to man}.

(ALLAH) said: “O Iblis! What is your reason for not being amongst those who prostrated themselves?”

(Iblis) said: “I am not one to prostrate myself to man whom YOU did create from {lowly}sounding clay, from {ordinary} mud molded into shape.”

(ALLAH) said: “Then get you out from here {your station in the heavens}; for you are rejected accursed.

‘And the curse shall be on you till the Day of Judgment.”

(Iblis) said: “O my LORD! Give me then respite till the Day the dead are raised up.”

(ALLAH) said: “Respite is granted to you –

“Till the Day of the Time Appointed.”

(Iblis) said: “O my LORD! Because YOU have put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) {things}fair seeming to them on the earth and I will put them all in the wrong, –

Except YOUR chosen servants among them.

(ALLAH) said: “This is for ME a STRAIGHT PATH {in all that it pertains to the pure and complete justice that will be shown to all of MY servants}.

‘For over MY servants no authority shall you have, except {such foolish ones} as put their own selves in the wrong and follow your {delusional} whisperings.”

And verily Hell is the promised abode for them all!  Quran (15:26-43).

On the Day HE will gather them all together and say to the angels, “Was it you that these men used to worship {in place of ME}?”

They will say, “GLORY to YOU! YOU are our PROTECTOR – NOT THEM. Nay, but they worshipped the Jinns: most of them believed in them.”

So on that Day no power shall they have over each other, for neither profit nor harm: and WE shall say to the wrong doers, “Taste you the Chastisement of the FIRE that which you were want to deny!”  Quran (34:40-42)

The Jinn were listening to a Quranic recitation from Muhammad (pbh) and said:

“If any does not hearken to the one who invites (us) to ALLAH, he cannot escape in the earth and no protectors’ can he have besides ALLAH: such are in manifest error.”

Do they not see that ALLAH, WHO created the heavens and the earth and never wearied with their own creation is able to give life to the dead? Yea, verily HE has Power over ALL things.  Quran (46:32-33).

{It is} “True, {in times gone by} there were persons among mankind who took shelter with persons among the Jinns but they increased them into further error.

‘And they {wrongfully} came to think as you thought that ALLAH would not raise any (to JUDGMENT).

‘And we {Jinn} pried into the (secrets of) the heavens but we found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires.

‘We indeed used to sit there in (hidden) stations in order to (steal) a hearing; but any who listen NOW will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush.

‘And we understand not whether ill is intended to those on earth, or whether their LORD (really) intends to guide them to the right conduct.

‘There are among us {Jinn} some that are righteous and some the contrary: We follow divergent paths,

‘But we think that we can by no means frustrate ALLAH throughout the earth, nor can we escape HIM by flight.  Quran (72:6-12)

The Quran further discusses a type of Jinn as ‘engineer types’ who worked by force under the command of Prophet Solomon (pbh) as ALLAH WILLED. Yet there came a time when they were humiliated when it was found out that for some time they were working for a dead man as Solomon (pbh) passed away, unbeknownst to them, while sitting on a rock while they thought he was just asleep.

There was even one high-powered Jinn in Solomon’s company who could travel over 2,000 miles (there and back again) to bring the Queen of Sheba’s Throne within a half hours’ time which in itself would be a fantastic feat.

As far as coming out of the ground, flying into the atmosphere or maneuvering under the ocean, these Jinn can do quite amazing things but remember they are not human in nature and are not subject to the strains of earthly life as clay bodied humans are.

As a life form, they have their own set of laws and principles and are free to carry out their own experiences as is their want. And like man there are levels of these so-called spiritual beings that range from the retarded to the highly advanced. Still, they are a separate creation and it would be wrong to mix with them as people have no doubt found out to be the case.

One good case study, and you only really need one, is that incident at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England which occurred in late December, 1980 near RAF (Royal Air Force) Woodbridge. It is a good case study featuring many technical non-human events showing that non-humans were involved.

If the purpose is not known, so what! What can be known is that these things were not of human origin – purpose unknown! And if Prophet Muhammad (pbh) is a prophet for all creatures, then it is safe to assume that another life form, which is NOT OUR BUSINESS ANYWAY, is involved. And like oil and water, they don’t really mix!!!

So, trying to find a needle buried somewhere on the Moon is not really productive except in wearing out the shoe leather. We do know by studying true hadith literature that Prophet Muhammad (pbh) did capture one of these Jinn-type creatures but upon remembering his brother Prophet Solomon and the special kingdom given to him by his LORD, released this creature as hadith declares.

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (pbh) said, “A strong demon from the Jinns came to me yesterday suddenly, so as to spoil my prayer, but ALLAH enabled me to overpower him, and so I caught him and intended to tie him to one of the pillars of the Mosque so that all of you might see him, but I remembered the invocation of my brother Solomon: ‘And grant me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me.’ Quran (38.35) so I let him go accursed.” Bukhari

Still man is superior to the Jinn in the end but it might have appeared that in the beginning the Jinn were more an organized force then what man seemed to be and we get this from the confusion of the angels who could not project into the future what man would bring to the proverbial table as to his struggles and sincerity towards his CREATOR or even the lack thereof. So, see the angels as they are taken aback by what they saw but what they could not compute as to what this creature that was going to inhabit clay could become:

Behold, your LORD said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” They said: “Will YOU place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood while we do celebrate YOUR Praises and Glorify YOUR Holy (name)?” HE said: “I know what you do not know{concerning future events}.”  Quran (2:30)

The angels could not conceive of what trials mankind would undergo to reconnect back to the HOLY OF HOLIES and achieve the glorious state of Salvation or failing that and be led into perdition! And this is the test for mankind and it is not and never has been a ‘luck of the draw type of situation’!

ALLAH created these stars for three purposes: to adorn the heavens, to stone the devils and as signs by which to navigate. Whoever seeks anything else in them is mistaken and does not benefit from them, and he is wasting his time and effort in seeking something of which he has no knowledge. (Bukhari, Baab fi’l-Nujoom)