It has been said about Islam that Islam is a solution for humanity, principally stated by Peace TV. So one would expect Islam to provide answers especially to subjects of human concern and solutions to human problems. Humanity has reached the proverbial ‘high level’ (religious-wise) before the Second Coming of Jesus the Christ. And these were planned events under the supervision of the ONE GOD.

And never think that ALLAH is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. HE only delays them for a Day {in some cases a time period taking up to 1,000 years/or a period denoting Judgment} when eyes will stare (in horror) {of what they used to do}. Quran (14:42)

Yet they ask you to hasten on the Punishment! But ALLAH will not fail in HIS Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of your LORD is like a thousand years of your reckoning.  Quran (22:47)

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the LORD a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  2Peter (3:8)

A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.  Psalm (90:4)

ALLAH is the Most Merciful and as was stated before, mankind was ‘honed’ (having been refined or perfected over a period of time) for the purpose of the Second Coming by introducing a NEW COVENANT to be sent forward which will make things easier for mankind to worship leading to an easier time in the fundamental approach to SALVATION!

For I {GOD} will not accuse you {mankind} forever, nor will I always be angry; for then the spirit of man would grow weak before ME, with the breath of those I have made {created}.

I have seen his ways, and {I} will heal him; I will also lead him and restore comforts to him and to his mourners {true followers}. Isaiah (57:16; 18).

And strive in HIS cause as you ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). HE has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religious matters; it is {but} the cult of your father Abraham. It is HE WHO has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and {that} you be witnesses for {the rest of} mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to ALLAH! HE is your PROTECTOR – the Best to protect and the Best to help!   Quran (22:78)

{{Philosophically speaking, we each have in our souls a ‘spot’ for a remembrance of things in the past but it is only so far conjectured to be so. This would explain why there is the ‘return’ to that witnessing of truth as from the beginning and, in part, why that Muslim nation of souls can bear witness to the rest of mankind in such spiritual matters.

We see this in the hadith declaring the attempt of the people of Noah who try to sidestep the issue of whether they had received a prophet from ALLAH or not. This above thought can also be used in the Quranic verse whereby the last of the group being thrown into Hell-Fire wants to blame the First group for their woes and asks ALLAH to give them double the punishment.

ALLAH agrees but it will be double the punishment for all and the verse ends with the knowledge that we (at this time) are not in the know about such matters in depth. Knowing that it is so does not equate with the knowledge of exactly why it is so!

HE {ALLAH} will say, “Enter you in the company of the Peoples who passed away before you – men and Jinns, – into the Fire”. Every time a new People enters, it curses its sister-People (that went before), until they follow each other, all into the Fire. The last declares about the first, “Our LORD! It is these that misled us; so give them a double Punishment in the Fire.” HE will say, “Doubled for ALL” but this you will not understand {at this time}.

Then the first will say to the last, “See then! NO advantage have you OVER US; so taste you all of the Chastisement for ALL that YOU DID!”   Q (7: 38-39)

The ‘misleading us’ here shows that certain people didn’t take much care about their duties in religious matters with caution or with thought! So, the ‘desire’ to do well or to be honorable in the sight of their CREATOR LORD was not very important. What was important was the feeding of the ego and selfishness leading to a darkening of the heart.}}

It is that after completing this ‘metaphysical stuff’ of the Essenes and other related metaphysical practices from ages past getting ready for the purification process of having the channel prepared for the entrance of that soul who was to be the Messiah (Jesus), the New Covenant (Al-Islam) can now be ushered in with the pure BOOK the Quran as the basis for belief in the kingdom of paradise on Earth to come led by the Messiah himself and the Madhi.

The ‘SYSTEM’ has been put in place by ALLAH’s faithful servant Muhammad (pbh) and his faithful Companions. And like so many things on Earth, this earthly thing or ‘way’ underwent an evolutionary process of development. The basic structure did not change, however!

The same religion has HE established for you as that which HE enjoined on Noah – the which WE have sent by inspiration to you – and that which WE enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that you should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than ALLAH, hard is the (way) to which you call them. ALLAH chooses to HIMSELF those whom HE pleases, and guides to HIMSELF those who turn (to HIM).  Quran (42:13)

With many people there appears many viewpoints as well as viewpoints with many shades that make things difficult for the believer to transverse the minefields of life. Such is the state of religion we find ourselves in, in this modern world.

Life is all about choices! “Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.” (Will Rogers).

An example of this is the topic of ‘Original Sin’. Now, most Muslims will deny Original Sin simply because of the way it is presented by, for example, many Christians. But who said that the Christian explanation was correct???


Original Sin as detailed in these writings is explained in the Quran but the Quranic explanation is NOT the Christian explanation! Hence, one must define Original Sin, for example, as it has been defined by the ONE GOD and then, when applied to mankind, it will become clearer as to why it affects us all.

What becomes clear is that ‘all’ have sinned and have fallen short of the GLORY of GOD.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD, Romans (3:23).

For GOD did not send HIS Son {chief servant} into the world to condemn the world {but to undergo the ‘TRAINING’ necessary to overcome the world and hence}but that the world {of the believers} through him might be saved {if he would complete the mission of making himself ‘whole’ as he was beforehand/being free of sin so as to represent humanities growth and usher in the Way of Salvation (via Muhammad) as to the chosen WAY or religion of the future – Islam}.   John (3:17)

What explains this relationship best from the Old Testament can be found in Isaiah (21:7) concerning the two riders: one who rides on a camel and the other who rides on a donkey (foal – young horse or donkey – depending upon interpretation). This is also expressed in hadith form when Prophet Muhammad (pbh) talks about there is no prophet between him and Jesus.

Abu Huraira stated that he heard ALLAH’s Messenger (pbh) saying, “I am the nearest of all the people to the son of Mary, and all the prophets are paternal brothers, and there has been no prophet between me and him (i.e. Jesus).  (Bukhari)

For I {Jesus} have come down from heaven, NOT to do my own will, but to do the WILL OF HIM {ALLAH} who sent me.   John (6:38)

So, once his purpose, for which he was created, was achieved {for ALLAH had willed this test amongst mankind}, the issuing forth of that dynamic soul (Muhammad) could begin to establish THAT WAY CHOSEN ABOVE ALL WAYS FOR SALVATION UPON THE RETURN OF THE CHRIST as to that acceptable pathway for the Future Salvation of mankind upon Judgment – STEP by STEP!

And when he {the Spirit of truth} has come, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

Of sin, because they do not {really} believe in me {the Christ-soul in the correct way};

And concerning righteousness, because I go away to the FATHER and you behold me no more {for I have completed my assignment (struggles) since from the beginning};

Of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.  John (16:8-11)

(Now judgment is upon this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out {philosophically speaking and my victory assured from the AL-HAQQ (the MOST TRUTHFUL ONE)}.  John (12:31)

The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the very start. This is why the Son of God {man} was revealed {given to this world}, to destroy the works of the devil {in himself since he fell as adam and now, by the WILL of GOD, he becomes free of sin as Jesus as an offering to HIM that sent himwhile being sacrificed in the flesh in his various trials to show GOD’s compassion to mankind as related above in Isaiah (57:16; 18)}.   1John (3:8) (Letters of John the Presbyter)

However, when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. For he will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears {as from Revelation}, and hewill declare to you what is to come {as to future events}.   John (16:13)

This is what might be called ‘making sense of it all’!

For the Christ-soul was made to come to rescue mankind {those that would listen and desire to obey the ONE (GOD) who sent him} not under his own steam or self-will or his own force but just as a GUIDE to those who chose to follow! Therefore, man should praise THE SENDER/THE FINDER rather than the one sent as THE SENDER (AL-BA’ITH) or THE FINDER (AL-WAAJID), as an example of ALLAH’s HOLY NAMES, meaning, in part, the ONE WHO CAUSES THINGS TO EXIST AND TO HAPPEN.

Christ does not distain to serve and worship ALLAH nor do the angels, those nearest (to ALLAH): those who distain HIS worship and are arrogant, HE will gather them all together to HIMSELF to (answer for their impudence).                                                                        Quran (4:172)

“This is what WE rehearse to you of the SIGNS and the MESSAGE of WISDOM.”

The similitude of Jesus before ALLAH is as that of ADAM; HE created him from dust, then said to him: “BE”: And he was.   Quran (3:58-59)

And so in a nutshell, there you have it!

All Praise, Honor and Glory belong to the ONE GOD rather than HIS created servants although it is permissible to honor and respect those sent who were steadfast in HIS WORSHIP and who aided their fellow man to reach an understanding of True Worship and Devotion! Amen!