- Coming Full Cycle
- The Burden of Proof Is on the Believer
- The Spin
- I Am the This and I Am the That: A Case of Misdirection – Coming Full Cycle but with Benefits
- Collective Responsibility
- Who Was Prophet Muhammad
- The Miracle that Eventually Shook the World
- The Barzakh and the Day of Judgement
- He Followed His Own Advice
- A Story about the Story of Life
- Creeping Apishness or the Great Denial
- A Deeper Dive into John (7:38-39) and John (10:17-18)
- The Hollow Giant Must Crumble
- The Quran
- He Followed His Own Advice
- Pick Up Your Cross and Own It: The Real Meaning of the Cross
- Who Are the Gog and Magog Peoples?
- The Strength of Belief Requires a Depth of Perception
- The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.
- Who Put the ‘Hip’ in Hypocrite?
- A Knowledgeable Believer is Worth a Lot More than an Ignorant One
- Why Like This and the Real Holy Trinity Exposed
- When Judgment Day Comes or Gaza (Auschwitz Number Two)
- The Realities of Logic and Faith Concerning Paul and Jesus
- The Quran Is the Greatest Miracle Known to Man and Other Things
- A Story about the Story of Life
- Why the Quran is THAT TESTAMENT or Anatomy of a Puzzle
- The Great Puzzle
- Introduction: To Understand Religion KNOW HIS NAMES
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Statement of Purpose: Consistency across the Board
- A Lesson in Common Sense
- It’s only a Theory or Revisiting the Tower of Babel
- Rising from the Dead and another Oddity
- He Became Perfect: A Lesson in Interpretation
- The Proof is in Tasting the Pudding
- The Man Who Fought for the Believers
- The Magnitude of ALLAH
- Understanding Flying Saucers Using Occam’s razor
- Predestination
- Mysteries Have Always Abounded (Proliferated)
- The Story of Yusef Continues
- The Most Beautiful of Stories
- Branding: A Kind of Dunning-Kruger Effect
- The Tipping Point
- The Quran Is the Greatest Miracle Known to Man
- What Is Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander
- The Eternal Contest between Light and Darkness
- The Search for Truth
- The Bare Bones about Paul and the Circumcision Issue
- Don’t Confuse the ONE WHO Sends with the One Who Is Sent
- In the Beginning: My Take on It
- Quran (2:62)
- The Final Solution
- The Ravenous Wolf from the Tribe of Benjamin – Paul
- Irrefutable and Conclusive Evidence that the Quran is the BOOK of GOD
- The Creation of Man: A Philosophical Approach
- The Efficacy and Trustworthiness of Prophet Muhammad’s Speech
- Blessed Are the Poor
- Are We in Troubled Times?
- The Gyroscope Effect of Earth: an Answer to Why We Have Societal Clashes
- The Trailblazer
- The Two Esoteric Pieces of Writing Styles in the New Testament
- Was Glaucus Really the Person Named by Basilides?
- The Icing on the Cake
- It Is Ingrained Upon Them
- In Their Image
- The Amazing Tale of Abdulsalam
- Explain in detail why the Quran is in Reality the real New Testament
- Explain the Laying Down of Jesus’ Life
- From Start to Finish
- The Courage of One’s Convictions
- The Magic of the Spheres and Man’s Proclivity to Invent Things (Revised)
- GOD Is not an Absentee Landlord
- There Is No Power and No Strength except in ALLAH
- With GOD’s Permission and with HIS Approval
- A Deeper Look into Two Holy Verses
- Mysteries and Complexities Abound in Religion
- Rebellion against Religion
- A SIGN unto Mankind
- Concerning Jesus the Promised One
- Battle Plans
- Abu Hurairah: Saint or Sinner
- What It ALL Boils Down To
- Entropy
- When Truth Turns into Falsehood
- Building on a Process: the Defining Moment
- How the Quran Makes Things Clear
- The Core of Morals and Rational Thinking
- Origin of the Term Son of GOD
- Amazing Grace how Sweet It Is
- A Cunning Deception: A Case of Alethephobia
- Finally Part 2
- Finally
- The Problem with Reincarnation
- The Perfection Is in ALLAH’s Word and not in Our Works
- We Are Being Tested
- The Problem with Shi’ahism
- Original Sin
- The Confederates and Other Wonders
- Expanding on the Knowledge Concerning Zul-Qarnain (Revised)
- More Elaboration on Quran (7:176): The Man You May Meet Again
- The Ability to Think Straight and Keep One’s Balance
- The Simplicity of Islam as to Being the Religion of Logical Truth – the Sword of Reason
- An In-depth Explanation of Muhammad as Found in the Gospel of John
- An Example of John (16 verse 13) as It Relates to Prophet Muhammad
- The Beginnings of the Destruction of Truth Brought by Jesus
- The Strange Story of Judas Iscariot
- Exploring the Reasoning into the Supposed Crucifixion and Being Born Again (Revised)
- Who Was Zul-Qarnain? (Revised)
- The Great Expanse
- Be Wary of Cold and Estranged Hearts (Revised)
- What Did You Mean by That?
- Adam Part 2 (Revised)
- The Problem with Adam (Revised)
- What Happened?
- The Healing Power of the Crystals or Oatmeal for Brains
- What Goes Around, Comes Around
- Thank You Paul - Part 2
- Thank You Paul (Revised)
- The Sign (Revised)
- And So It Goes - Part 3
- And So It Goes - Part 2
- And So It Goes - Part 1
- The Religion of the Future
- For the Curious a Double-Edged Sword
- The Onslaught Can Be Fierce but Truth Shall Conquer in the End
- In the Beginning
- Seers Versus Prophets and Other Important Things
- Did Jesus Really Call That Woman a Dog?
- People See What They Want to See
- The Universal Symbol of Religion
- So, You Think You Know about ALLAH Do You?
- PAKISTAN, the Internet and Other Wild and Woolly Things
- Is It True?
- The World Was Blessed through the Family of Abraham but the Evil Revolted
- The Perfect Marriage
- The Messiah as reported by Prophet Isaiah (pbh)
- Are We Co-Creators along with ALLAH? or Baptism by Fire
- Prophet Isaiah (pbh) Concerning Islam
- An Offering for Sin
- Study the Records as They Should Be Studied
- As Was Told by the Prophet (pbh)
- There is No Power and No Strength Except in ALLAH
- GOD Doesn't Need Any Props to Hold HIM Up
- Are We Alone or the True Job at Hand?
- What Began Must End
- Some Have Fallen but Beware
- A Peek into the Past
- If It Is True, It Must Be Consistent
- The Last Piece of the Puzzle
- The Quran: A Book of Truth, a Resource and a Whole Lot More
- Religious Confusion
- Tawheed
- For Those Who Dare
- On Religion and Things
- Was Jesus Actually Crucified?
- That and A Dollar Will Buy You a Cup of Coffee (Second Revision)
- On Getting Serious (Revised)
- Before We Were, the Plan Became (Revised)
- One of Our Most Profound Duties in Life
- And Render unto GOD What is GOD’s
- Render unto Caesar What is Caesar’s
- The Walls Are Closing In
- Life as We Know It
- Between Pillar and Post: My Take on Things
- All the Brave Souls
- For Whom the Bell Tolls or Our Current State of Affairs
- If You Can
- Mercy
- All In The Family
- Amazing Science
- Lies, Lies and More Lies
- Be NOT of Those Who Doubt
- There Is No Place to Go and No Place to Hide
- We are Americans, we are French and we are STUPID!
- The Most Fantastic, Famous and Glorious Quran
- Speculation, Conjecture and Success
- A Conspiracy to Commit Mayhem
- A Moral, Spiritual and Ethical Dilemma
- The Stench of the Hypocrites
- Why Do They Hate Us?
- The Beauty and the Truth of the CROSS in Christianity
- Is It a Matter of Faith?
- Man Is His Own Worst Enemy
- A Veil of Tears
- Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, King or the Legacy
- The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Tasting
- The Politics of Hysteria
- They Were Happy with Their Delusions Until… (Revised)
- The Jesus That Never Was But Will Always Be
- Where Is Your Britishness?
- A Great Miracle That Never Happened (Revised)
- The ‘god’ of the North: A Demagogue Arises
- The March to Unity: Getting a Life
- Pamela Geller and other Goofs
- You Can’t Stop the Beat: The Judas Faith
- Baiting the Trap
- Same Old, Same Old – A Perspective (Revised)
- Comparative Religion: Abrahamic Style (Revised)
- Here and Back Again (Revised Edition)
- They Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory
- I Wasn’t Born Deaf Dumb or Blind
- All They Wanted Was Justice
- By Their Fruits You Will Know Them
- The Enemy of My Enemy Is Not My Friend
- Critical Thinking and What Is Wrong with Islam Today? A Reply to the Disbelieving Muslimah Irshad Manji
- A Continuation Concerning Idolatry
- An Anthology: A Compilation of What Went Before (Revised)
- It Just Ain’t Going to Happen! (Revised)
- Who are the Gog and Magog and Some Possible Mysteries Solved?
- Why Me? – The Time is Nigh (Revised)
- It’s a Fact of Life
- The Non-Crucifixion in Brief
- The Days of Innocence
- What’s It All About: A Definitive Approach to Truth
- The Evils that Men Do and the Messianic Age
- All The King’s Horses And All The King’s Men
- It Is What It Is (Revised)
- They Also Serve Who Stand and Wait
- Here Be Monsters
- We Have Lost the Battle but Won the War (Revised)
- Where Do We Go From Here or the Pure Islamist?
- The Angels Are Not Amused
- The Great Disconnect
- It Is A Wonder
- A Chilling Reminder and Clearing Up Some Stuff
- A Touch of Evil and a Touch of Class
- Evolution and the Little Blue Marble
- The Crown and the Cross
- It Bedazzles the Mind
- Times Change but People Do Not
- A Fly in the Ointment
- When the Hearts Grow Cold and the Dajjal
- The Law of Grace and the Law of Mercy
- Two Wise Men
- Deception
- The Hijacking of Jesus
- Comparative Religion: Its Strengths and Weaknesses
- It’s The Calm Before The Storm
- Why I Should Be Interested In Becoming a Muslim?
- Islam and the Rise and Fall of the Teachings of Jesus