Can a timeline be attached to the doings of Jesus the Christ (pbh) concerning the Non-Crucifixion using mainly the historical Gospel of Luke?

Yes, a timeline can be given when one interprets this historian’s Gospel who used a source called Q (a type of outline (a synopsis) of Jesus’ teachings) can be given. And it follows thusly:

  1. The first Supper where Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus (pbh) is held.
  2. The grabbing of Jesus (pbh) by Roman soldiers from the Garden takes place.
  3. The Apostles scatter abroad but return to the ‘Safe House’ where they were told to wait by Jesus (pbh) for 3 days.
  4. Jesus (pbh) is taken to be tried and then sentenced to be executed.
  5. Starting up the mountain of Golgotha for his execution, Jesus (pbh) falls down and the Roman soldiers put the Cross on Simon of Cyrene to carry up the hill to be crucified. {According to the Roman Catholic Concordance (Tafseer-type book), this Simon completely disappears after this event for no apparent reason but leaves his two sons – Alexander and Rufus behind also for no apparent reason. This Simon is likened to a type of ‘tourist’ but why he should have his two sons with him is strange and why they are left behind is even stranger. And according to Peter’s secretary (Glaucus), it was this man who was crucified in place of Jesus (pbh) as was told to one of the Gnostics (Basilides) before he (Peter’s secretary) died. Peter’s secretary is from the second generation of Believers which is equivalent to the Tabieen in Islam.}
  6. Some friends of the Apostles who are the Presbyters, but under the guise of being part of the unruly crowd of Jews calling for the crucifixion of Jesus sees, what APPEARS to be Jesus being taken and hung on the cross to die and they report back to the Apostles in the Safe House that Jesus is dying on the cross.
  7. The Apostles become highly agitated and start to argue amongst themselves about the dangers of staying in Jerusalem but the final consensus is that they should wait upon what was told them concerning the 3 day period by the Master himself.
  8. Later reports from some Presbyters declare that the ‘Master’ is now dead for this is what they saw {and so it appeared unto them (Quran 4:157)} and the Apostles are frantic about staying in the ‘Safe House’ and wait for 3 days as they were told by Jesus. They are consumed with grief and perhaps being falsely led by a would-be Messiah who was kind and knowing but was really not the Messiah.
  9. A body looking exactly like Jesus is taken down from the cross and is entombed.
  10. Rumor has spread that a trick is going to be played to ensure the continued belief in this, according to the Pharisees, false prophet/Messiah-type that the very small above ground tomb will be guarded by some soldiers who look inside this tomb and see a body wrapped up. Further, a heavy stone is placed over the small opening to ensure that nobody can mess with a dead body and steal it providing an excuse to believe in a false Messiah thereby causing a lot of difficulties between the cozy relationship the Pharisees and the Romans shared with each other. So a body does remain in the tomb. In fact, the body of that crucified man, who took Jesus’ place on the cross, remains in the tomb.
  11. Jesus (pbh) is lifted up body and soul as is reported in the Quran (4:158) as well as the crucified person {(promise kept as Jesus declares!) – ‘this day (not tomorrow or next year) you will be with me in Paradise’ – reported in Luke (23:43) – meaning that Jesus’ soul and body ascended with the soul of the crucified man as that man’s body remained in the tomb} and as Jesus is FINISHING HIS ‘TERM OF APPOINTMENT’(the timelines that he needed to go through to inherit the title of Messiah) he must be judged as any human is. He is found to be truthful and now dons the fulfillment of the mantel of being the crowned Messiah and will be sent down again for 40 days (Acts, chapter 1) as a mercy from ALLAH to show various groups that he (Jesus) is indeed ALIVE AND FOR SURE THE REAL MESSIAH performing some miraculous feats along the way as is recorded by Luke and in the historical Acts.
  12. Jesus (pbh) meets some woman outside the tomb who does not recognize him at first but does so when he speaks. He also appears to be somewhat physically spent as if he was previously engaged in a very difficult procedure:

Previously Jesus answered and said to them {his detractors/scoffers}, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”

            Then the {those} Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple {where we worship}, and will you raise it up {restore it again} in three days?”

            But he {Jesus} was speaking of the temple of his {the physical} body {for the body is the Temple of the LORD meaning it houses the soul}.   John (2:19-21)

            What agreement can exist between the temple of GOD and idols? For we {those who believe} are the temple of the LIVING GOD {housing our souls (spirits)}. As GOD has said: “I will dwell with them and walk among them, and I will be their {the Believers’} GOD, and they will be MY {worshipers} people {in Paradise}.” 2Corinthians (6:16) – according to Paul.

  1. After the 3 days of being holdup in the Safe House, Jesus appears in the Apostles’ midst causing much confusion because they believe their trusted friends and fellow Essenes-type Jews that Jesus (pbh) is really dead. Therefore, what appears before them as they are in a sealed room or Safe House might be a ghost, false spirit, or even a devil. Therefore, he whom they loved and were devoted to became the object of suspicion causing their joy to be depressed.
  2. This doubt {When Jesus found Unbelief on their part he said: “Who will be my helpers to ({do} the work of) ALLAH?” Quran (3:52)} causes them to question this so-called apparition and Jesus (pbh) finally convinces them that he is the real Jesus (pbh) of whom they loved and followed after a special miracle was performed called in the Quran The Table of Viands and the ‘touching of his warm, physical body’ which spirits neither have nor can they eat (Luke). Now this is the beginning of the REAL LAST SUPPER!!!
  3. ALLAH now, after granting them a special miracle (Table of Viands) challenges the Apostles with strong words to hold to the FAITH or else!!! (This is from the Quran).
  4. Now the LAST SUPPER with the gathered Apostles minus the traitor Judas can begin and many questions are asked as the Apostles are still in awe and very, very curious as to what happened from these events.
  5. Jesus (pbh) fills them in on what really happened as he refers to the Old Testament verses dealing with this stuff. He also tells them how to go about taking this form of ‘New’ Judaism to the people of which many will not believe and some will {And (I – Jesus) come confirming that which was before me of the Torah, and to make lawful some of that which was forbidden unto you. I come unto you with a Sign from your LORD, so keep your duty to ALLAH and obey me. Quran (3:50)}
  6. The Apostles remain faithful to Jesus (pbh) having seen and heard from him after his descent from the heavens so that a strong basis of belief can occur but in a few decades they will all be martyred leaving no eye witnesses around.
  7. But problems are coming in the form of the Holy Temple (the Center of Strategic Learning in this ‘new WAY’) going to be destroyed in 70 CE by Roman soldiers and many will go their own ways splitting the faith in Jesus (pbh) into many different factions of which hold only partial truths as is recorded in the Quran. With no central authority to straighten the would be believers, the truth concerning Jesus the son of Mary (pbh) becomes fractured as is recorded in the Quran:

And they did not become divided until after knowledge had come to themout of jealous animosity between themselves. And if not for a word that preceded from your LORD (postponing the penalty {due to their mischief}) until a specified time, it would have been concluded between them. And indeed, those who were granted inheritance of the Scripture after them are, concerning it, in disquieting doubt {about the truth of certain matters – Hence the waiting of over 113 years to finally decide whether Jesus was crucified or not through the efforts of Justin Martyr’s enquiry which took place in 147 CE calling upon Jewish leaders and Roman records to clarify the issue}.  Quran (42:14)

  1. Finally, going all the way back to Dr. Zakir Naik/Ahmed Deedat, as they tried to explain what was found in the Gospel of John as it pertained to Jesus (pbh) and his miraculous healing power given to him by ALLAH, we are given some insight as to what went down – but only when taken as an integral whole.

Jesus and the crucified man identified in the Gospel of Luke and known as Simon from Libya are the main characters of this story. The Christian Bible states in the Greek Language that Jesus ‘resuscitated’ the body found in the tomb. To resuscitate means to bring that body back to life again BUT that body had no soul in it!!! Why? Because as reported in Luke (23:43 – see above), the body of Simon remained on Earth as a dead thing without the possession of his soul as his soul and Jesus (pbh) went up into the heavens. In other words, it was a soulless-dead body laying on a slab. And the Quran concurs with the Christian Book when read correctly that Jesus (pbh) was not killed but lifted up into the heavens – Quran (4:158)!

But this body now in the tomb looked exactly like Jesus (pbh) inside and out and when Jesus (pbh) was sent back for 40 days (see The Acts chapter 1 and the end parts of the Gospel of Luke), he resuscitated that dead body that didn’t have a soul and he became it and it became him because it essentially was him in all likeness but without a soul.

Now Jesus has returned to what he once was before the ‘Fall’ and he is cleaned and purified as a very powerful vicegerent – earning with ALLAH’s BLESSINGS, the nature of his completeness and being honored as ‘one who is in the company of those closest to ALLAH’ – Quran! This was done by ALLAH’s FAVOR to him and one can contrast the empty and useless bravado of the Anti-christ with the honor and blessings the Messiah receives from his LORD without forgetting that he is a representative of the successful human soul or SIGN unto mankind as a purified man of Paradise!!!

Hence, we can go a little bit into the miraculous wonder of John (2:19-21 – see above) and take into account the deeper understanding of Quran (5:110 ‘and Behold! You {Jesus} make out of clay as it were the figure of a bird, by MY PERMISSION; and you breathe into it and it becomes a bird by MY PERMISSION… And Behold you bring forth the dead by MY PERMISSION)’ as NOT as a sideshow for a bored public but as a deeper thought, which is a miracle being very hard to grasp as to taking non-active life and giving it both repair and an energized life-form/force, into a truly well-blessed and honored servant of ALLAH raised to dignity and power!

Very few if any can grasp this dynamic into its relevancy as to man as he is, was and will become IF and only IF successful on the Last Day of Judgment. Such is the Dynamic Strength of the Quran Most Blessed in this world and the next!

Therefore, with this in mind, we have the Christ complex (refined man of Paradise) taking on the healings of his lookalike and becoming one with and healing that dead clay body which essentially is him because it (that body) was his replica outside and in!

Therefore, that ‘structure’ or Temple that was to be rebuilt in 3 days, was healed and the vital juices found inside that lifeless human body was replaced and that clay product was brought back to life WITH ALLAH’s PERMISSION ONLY! And now he (Jesus) could incorporate his blessed being as an infusion into that which was like himself and BECOME A WHOLE LIVING ENTITY AGAIN – as himself!

The Word of GOD being the Quran shows that the other Monotheistic religions use the ploy of changing meanings by various ways and one way is to change the word or a few letters of the word:

But because of their breach of their covenant, WE cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor will you cease to find them- barring a few – ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for ALLAH loves those who are kind. Quran (5:13). So, if we go back to John (2:19) and change one four letter demonstrative pronoun this for another demonstrative four letter pronoun that, we can affectively change the meaning of the sentence:

Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this {THAT} temple {meaning of the one you will actually crucify}, and in three days I will raise it up {with ALLAH’s Permission}.” John (2:19)

Then he said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day meaning that this operation will take about 3 days to restore a dead corpse to a living, complete – totally repaired body having no sign of decay or fluid loss! Luke (24:46)

Change the demonstrative pronoun this back to the demonstrative pronoun THAT and the meaning of the sentence will change such that some miracle will be done on a body other than Jesus’ body and it will be restored or resuscitated and brought back to life AGAIN – meaning that the temple or body will be made whole!

So it is not a lie to say that he ‘rose from the dead’ (even though he did not actually die) in a certain sense of the term and that turns out to be a tremendous sticking point for future reference as to the actions and belief systems of men as they are want to forge things to their own liking.

For example, taking the profane and mixing falsehoods with it as was the practice of the Quraish and others before them, before the advent of Islam, and most of all it will lead to certain activities amongst men that will have far reaching, but completely foreknown (by ALLAH), future consequences concerning the actions or beliefs of men – therefore the clash of cultures, various belief systems and wars all triggered by the ‘secret desires of the soul’.

Hence, the dog returns to his own vomit as is reported in the Christian Book: But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having {been} washed {cleaned}, to her wallowing in the mire {returns to a filthy condition again}.” 2Peter (2:22). For there is no escape from ALLAH and Divine Destiny for the mischievous soul and no named religion or sect can guarantee man’s salvation by man’s saying with his oft lying tongue that ‘he is a believer’. That judgment will come on the LAST DAY!

In the common language of today that means that ALLAH is ahead of the game and is in TOTAL CONTROL of life’s vagaries and nothing in the heavens and the earth can escape ALLAH’s MOST PERFECT PLAN!

Can the notion of religious entropy (a certain pre-planned trend leading to disorder) found in the writing called ‘Battle Plans’ be further elucidated?


Yes, by taking a look at what Glaucus said to Basilides which seems to indicate ‘if not asked, don’t tell’ plan of action! In other words, don’t volunteer answers but let things ride unless directly asked and when asked, then give your answer honestly – short and to the point!

In looking at both Barnabas and Paul’s diatribe with their ‘students’ occurring only two decades or so after the crucifixion event/puzzle, we find that they are having a hard time explaining certain elements concerning the new wave of faith in the Messiah to their students. One can sense their frustration as they are very disappointed in their fellow students NOT CATCHING ON to certain facts even when staying in the same area for 5, 6 or 7 months! And this is shown in both of their declarations of disappointment with their students.

We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain, because you are dull of hearing.

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you AGAIN the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. Hebrews (5:11-12)

I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready, 1Corintians (3:2)


Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your {religious}thinking be mature. 1 Corinthians (14:20)

Why like this? Are new converts somehow stupid or retarded? No, but the prime directive must be to only tell directly what happened to Jesus (pbh) if the situation warranted it. Hence, Glaucus didn’t volunteer knowledge only until he was directly asked about the crucifixion and then gave a bland but precise answer!

In other words, without going into great and lengthy detail as my writings do with records in print for review, how can one describe the near impossible makeup of the Non-Crucifixion in detail?

Imagine if you will coming out directly and declaring, ‘Look folks, Jesus was not crucified and here is how it was done and forget FAITH and let us go directly into metaphysics!!! Once again the Quran comes to the rescue by actually pinpointing the actual cause of their dysfunctional activities!

And WE granted them Clear Signs in affairs (of Religion): it was only after knowledge had been granted to them that they fell into schisms, through insolent envy among themselves. Verily your LORD will judge between them on the Day of Judgment as to those matters in which they set up differences.   Quran (45:17)

First, build a good foundation for without the proper foundation as 1John (2:18-19), written some time just before 90 CE, declares people will go everywhere willy-nilly with the truth and the ‘True Faith’ will be fractured! Hence, the Presbyter John’s warning of the many Anti-christs sprouting forth:

Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us {one in Faith}, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.  1John (2:18-19)

Therefore, we see in the Christian Holy Book a sense of confusion and the breakup of the ‘unity of the true Faith’ leading to a fractured belief system filled with devious and unscrupulous practioners going their own way causing much havoc along the way!

Explain in further detail the ‘Crucified in the Flesh’ concept.

The crucified in the flesh concept is like the concept of the thief being caught red handed! The thief does NOT have a red hand!!! So also the concept of being crucified in the flesh idea!

The concept of being crucified in the flesh as it applies to the Christ-soul is that he took on the negativity, drawbacks or sinful suggestions coming onto the man (Homo sapiens) with himself being only a man and OVERCAME THESE DRAWBACKS THAT LEAD TO SIN! For as a man and only a man he represented that SIGN to mankind that through the GRACE AND MERCY of ALLAH and with ALLAH’s PERMISSION ONLY that man including himself could achieve a state of perfection and be cleansed of sin or born without sin in his case resulting in admission into Paradise!

The only difference between him (Jesus) and us in that regard is that he did such a thing in this world whereas for the majority of us, according to a hadith that mentions that 70,000 will be admitted into Paradise without being subject to close scrutiny on the Last Day of Judgment. The rest of us, however, will be going through various trials featuring various levels of hardship!!!

Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the Messenger of ALLAH (pbh) said: “Seventy thousand of my Ummah will enter Paradise without being brought to account; they are the ones who did not ask for ruqyah or believe in omens. (Bukhari and Muslim)

So, being crucified in the flesh, in its original meaning has nothing to do with being put on a wooden cross. Rather it has the understanding of many millenniums of conscious hard work to eradicate that negativity found within – Step by Step or Stage by Stage – Isaiah and Quran!

And his foundation was built stone upon stone in ALLAH’s PLAN such that he, our adam, was guided step by step towards the long awaited day that he would be born pure without the necessity of having been touched by Satan. According to hadith literature, when Satan tried to touch infant Jesus, he missed and hit the umbilical cord instead!

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “When any human being is born. Satan touches him at both sides of the body with his two fingers, except Jesus, the son of Mary, whom Satan tried to touch but failed, for he touched the placenta-cover instead.”  (Bukhari)

And the Dead Sea Scrolls foretold of this hard to grasp concept being likened unto ‘a woman in travail’ waiting and hoping that the birth of the new entity (one born without sin and remaining without sin) would finally come about so that this human inner war of self could finally be laid to rest, as set by his example, and that his particular soul could finally, with ALLAH’s PERMISSION ONLY, claim to be that one, that Messiah who will have the honor of leading others in the kingdom given to him under the banner of Islam upon his eventual return!

That was how it was supposed to have been received but instead the fracturing of Faith continued like what happened in the past and hence the need for many prophets having been sent into the world, being finalized by the last Prophet who was Muhammad (pbh) to correct mankind’s often turncoat behavior when it came to following the truth!

And So It Goes!