Monthly archive June, 2022

The Amazing Tale of Abdulsalam

Abdulsalam was one of the greatest Rabbis in the history of the Jews. He had a keen mind and most importantly, he knew his own people. If he was to shepherd them and still remain in their good graces, he Read More →

Explain in detail why the Quran is in Reality the real New Testament

The Old Testament clearly defines that the RELIGIOUS LAW or standard of the faith shall remain in the hands of those who call themselves Jews only until the time of SHILOH. Then and only then will a NEW LAW (TESTAMENT) Read More →

Explain the Laying Down of Jesus’ Life

Jesus (pbh) declares: “Therefore my FATHER loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it {up} AGAIN. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have {been given the} power Read More →


People have the opportunity, at least for now, to take advantage of some real time learning activities. As painful as that may be in this modern age, it still can be a real lesson in achieving spiritual success. The ONE Read More →

From Start to Finish

To be succinct that is what the following means (from start to finish) concerning the history of mankind put in a nutshell. To repeat: The primordial reason of our establishment (what we find ourselves in) is found in Q (32:72): Read More →

The Courage of One’s Convictions

By definition and by inclusion of the three major monotheistic religions through their interpretation, New Judaism in its pure form does not now exist. However, it could be defined as refined Judaism based on logic and the Holy Records, when Read More →