The symbols { } are used to clarify this author’s position! How can the notion as found in Isaiah chapter 13 of Jesus or the Christ-soul (pbh), to be more exact, be considered an ‘offering for sin‘* and still conform Read More →
The following symbols { } are used to enhance the meanings given. In part, this article as well as the previous 3 articles are in answer to the much confused Abdullah Sameer (doubter of ALLAH) who seems very unaware of Read More →
The symbols { } are used for clarity and emphasis purposes only! The knowledge concerning Muslim governmental leadership, the public in general and the state of affairs of various nations has been revealed in hadith literature. We hear of great Read More →
The use of the symbols { } are used for clarification purposes. ALLAH is The FIRST so there is no one who came before HIM. HE is The LAST so there is no one who will be after HIM. HE Read More →